Search Results for: tower of time

Avon Fantasy Reader #14

Avon Fantasy Reader, No. 14 1950. This issue contains the story TEMPTRESS OF THE TOWER OF TORTURE AND SIN. This is a variant of THE VOICE OF EL-LIL.

Avon Fantasy Reader was a digest-size magazine (sometimes classed as a series of anthologies) that reprinted science fiction and fantasy literature by now well-known authors. It was edited by Donald A. Wollheim and published by Avon. The magazine had one spin-off, Avon Science Fiction Reader, with which it merged on its cancellation to become Avon Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader.

Sword & Fantasy #7

The front and back cover art is from foreign Robert E. Howard paperback editions. Articles include part two a long analysis of the Robert E. Howard story “Tower Of The Elephant” (profusely illustrated) by Rick McCollum. An eight page folio of illustrations from Robert E. Howard stories printed in pulp magazines. An interview with Karl Edward Wagner from 1980. “H.P.L.: The History” by Lin Carter (from 1950). “An Appreciation of Clark Ashton Smith” by Lin Carter (from 1949). An article on A. Merritt from 1948 (with pulp art by Virgil Finlay and others). And more. Artwork by Rick McCollum, Eduardo Barreto, Mahlon Fawcett, and others.

Sword & Fantasy #6

The front and back cover art is from foreign Robert E. Howard paperback editions. Articles include a long analysis of the Robert E. Howard story “Tower Of The Elephant” (profusely illustrated). A six page folio of illustrations from Robert E. Howard stories printed in Czechoslovakia. An interview with Ray Capella and a short sword & sorcery story by Ray titled “The Lair.” A seven page folio of WEIRD TALES pulp art from Robert E. Howard stories. An article on the REH story “Lord Of The Dead.” An article on Conan pastiche novels (in other words Conan books not written by REH), and more. Artwork by Rick McCollum, Eduardo Barreto, Mahlon Fawcett, and others.

The Early Adventures of El Borak

The Early Adventures of El Borak: Ultimate Edition brings together Robert E. Howard’s formative tales of Francis Xavier Gordon, known as El Borak, alongside a rich tapestry of other memorable characters. El Borak, Howard’s first creation, embodies the fierce independence and swift action that have made him a timeless hero. From the deserts of Arabia to the mountains of Afghanistan, his adventures are filled with danger, intrigue, and the relentless pursuit of justice.

The Last of the Trunk Och Brev i Urval

This publication was created to safeguard the copyright of Robert E. Howard’s previously unpublished works. A limited run of 12 copies was produced, with two exclusive editions bound in leather and the remainder as comb-bound paperbacks. The content includes non-Howard material in Swedish, except for Patrice Louinet’s introduction and the “Notes” section, which offers insights into the stories.

The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three

Robert E. Howard wrote poetry. He wrote it first in life, last in life, and throughout life. Howard completed around 300 stories for commercial sale and worked on 300 more. But he wrote over 700 poems, virtually none of them meant for commercial markets. His first publication outside of school was his poem “The Sea”, published in a local paper. His famous “All fled, all done…” couplet, borrowed from Viola Garvin, was allegedly the last words he typed. And in between, poetry gushed from him.

This third volume of a three-volume set collects the rest of all of Howard’s known poetry.

The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume One

Robert E. Howard wrote poetry. He wrote it first in life, last in life, and throughout life. Howard completed around 300 stories for commercial sale and worked on 300 more. But he wrote over 700 poems, virtually none of them meant for commercial markets. His first publication outside of school was his poem “The Sea”, published in a local paper. His famous “All fled, all done…” couplet, borrowed from Viola Garvin, was allegedly the last words he typed. And in between, poetry gushed from him.

This first volume of a three-volume set collects the rest of all of Howard’s known poetry.

The Dark Man V12N2: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies

‘The Dark Man: Journal of Robert E. Howard and Pulp Studies’ is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the academic study of Robert E. Howard’s literary legacy as well as the literary historical and print culture contexts associated with it. The journal seeks to publish full-length articles, brief critical notes and commentaries, bibliographies, reviews of books, and other scholarship that treats Howard’s life, time, literary work, and associated topics such as Weird Tales, H.P. Lovecraft, and the concept of a transhistorical pulp fiction aesthetic.