White Wolf Magazine #11. A gaming magazine. This issue contains the Solomon Kane story THE MOON OF SKULLS part 3 of 3.

Magazine contents

  • 3 Runes: Runes Editorial by Stewart Wieck
  • 4 A Worm’s Price by 1 Thomas M. Kane
  • 14 The Moon of Skulls by Robert E. Howard
  • 20 The PBM Corner: The PBM Corner by Jim Townsend
  • 22 Items for Any Realm: Items for Any Realm by Greg Chung, John Nephew, Stephan Wieck and Tim Morgereth
  • 24 Spells from Aldernon by Tony Arment
  • 27 The Scope of Magic: More for the Shadow Master by Allan T. Grohe Jr.
  • 31 Segment Jorune: A Caji’s Day of Danger by Andrew Leker
  • 32 Segment Jorune: Isho by Andrew Leker
  • 33 Segment Jorune: Background on Iscin by Amy Leker
  • 34 Segment Jorune: Food on Jorune by Andrew Leker
  • 35 Segment Jorune: Theebur K’Mono’s Bright Idea by Andrew Leker and Mark Wallace
  • 37 Segment Jorune: Beagre and Beyond by Amy Leker
  • 41 Peril at Stopover by Ken Cliffe
  • 55 The Order of Hermes: The Enigmatic Society of Wizards by Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein•Hagen
  • 60 The Enforcers Universe: The Untold Story by Gary Bernard
  • 64 Review: Ars Magica
  • 65 Review: The Chronicles of Talislanta
  • 66 Review: Enforcers
  • 68 On the Horizon: On the Horizon


Gaming Magazine
Editors: Stephan Wieck, Stewart Wieck

Publisher :White Wolf Publishing
Year :1988
Replica by: 
Format :Magazine / Periodical (8.5 x 11 inches)
Pages :68
Cover :Unknown
Illustrations :None
Howard Works RPG.net

White Wolf Magazine #11

White Wolf Magazine #11. A gaming magazine. This issue contains the Solomon Kane story THE MOON OF SKULLS part 3 of 3.

Tags: Pulp / Robert E. Howard / Solomon Kane