Berkley, 1980; Volume 2 of 2. Mass market paperback, 1st edition. Introduction by Glenn Lord. Includes a mixture of poems and short stories.


  • ix • Introduction (The Second Book of Robert E. Howard) • (1976) • essay by Glenn Lord
  • 1 •  Letter: Robert E. Howard to Wilfred B. Talman, circa September 1931 • (1976) • essay by Robert E. Howard (variant of Letter to William Blanch Talman, circa September 1931 (“Dear Mr. Talman: / Thank you very much for the letter…”) 1975)
  • 7 • Sword Woman • [Agnes de Chastillon] • (1975) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 47 • Which Will Scarcely Be Understood • (1937) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 49 • The Striking of the Gong • [Kull of Valusia] • (1967) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 55 • The Song of Horsa’s Galley • (1970) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 57 • The Good Knight • [Kid Allison] • (1931) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 79 • A Word from the Outer Dark • (1974) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 81 • Black Canaan • (1936) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 117 • The Song of a Mad Minstrel • (1931) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 121 • Kelly the Conjure-Man • (1964) • essay by Robert E. Howard
  • 125 • Surrender (“I will rise someday when the day is done…”) • (1962) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 127 • The Footfalls Within • [Solomon Kane] • (1931) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 143 • Knife-River Prodigal • non-genre • [Buckner J. Grimes] • (1937) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 161 • Musings (“The little poets sing of little things …”) • (1968) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 163 • Life (“They bruised my soul with a proverb…”) • (1973) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 165 • The House of Suspicion • [Steve Harrison] • (1976) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 193 • Reuben’s Brethren • (1969) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 195 • Two Against Tyre • (1970) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 211 • The Guise of Youth • (1975) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 213 • For the Love of Barbara Allen • (1966) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 223 • Guns of Khartum • (1975) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 241 • Lines Written in the Realization That I Must Die • (1938) • poem by Robert E. Howard
ISFDB Howard Works


Edited and with notes by Glenn Lord.

Year :March 1980
Book No. :ISBN:  0-425-04455-6 [978-0-425-04455-1]
Edition :1st
Format :Paperback
Pages :242
Cover :Ken Kelly
Illustrations :None



The Second Book of Robert E. Howard

Berkley, 1980; Volume 2 of 2. Mass market paperback, 1st edition. Introduction by Glenn Lord. Includes a mixture of poems and short stories.

Tags: Agnes de Chastillon / Buckner J. Grimes / Jeff Jones / Kid Allison / King Kull / Poems / Poetry / Robert E. Howard / Solomon Kane / Steve Harrison