Contains THE SCALP HUNTER, a tale about Breckinridge Elkins. Action Stories August 1934 Volume 12 Number 9.


  • 3 · Doom by Night · Paul Hawk · nv
  • 27 · Northward Ho! · A. DeHerries Smith · pm
  • 28 · Loot for the Legion · George Fielding Eliot · nv
  • 46 · Captain Lobo · Eugene Cunningham · nv
  • 76 · Shanghai’d · Tom Curry · ss
  • 84 · The Scalp Hunter [Breckenridge Elkins] · Robert E. Howard · ss
  • 93 · The Bay of Dugong · Morgan Johnson · ss Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine July 1925
  • 101 · Old Tom Crow · Russell A. Bankson · ss
  • 108 · Pirate Island · John Starr · nv
  • 124 · World Adventurers · Martin Kane · cl


Edited by J. F. Byrne
The cover says this is the August issue.
The Table of Contents says this is the September issue.

Publisher :Fiction House, Inc
Year :August 1934 (see notes)
Replica by:Adventure House – February 2008
Format :Periodical (Pulp Magazine)
Pages :128
Cover :Rudolph Belarski
Illustrations :Unknown

Action Stories August 1934

Contains THE SCALP HUNTER, a tale about Breckinridge Elkins. Action Stories August 1934 Volume 12 Number 9.

Tags: Breckinridge Elkins / J. F. Byrne / John Starr / Martin Kane / Pulp / Robert E. Howard / Theodore Roscoe