The Cross Plains High School from February 1st, 1924, features two first appearances of Robert E. Howard’s poems “The Maiden of Kercheezer” and “Rules of Etiquette” (more like a limerick). The school paper was published twice a month by Cross Plains High School students. The poem or limerick, “Rules of Etiquette” was probably based on some of Howard’s own experiences when he was working for a local dry cleaner. Most likely the submissions were sent since Howard’s friend, Lindsey Tyson, was on the staff.

The staff of this edition of The Cross Plains High School newspaper was:
Gerald Robertson — Editor-in-Chief
Van Lowrance — Associate Editor
Lindsey Tyson — Business Manager
Jewel Henderson — Assistant Business Manager
Younett Sipes — Reporter
Christine McGowan — Reporter
Thresa Clark — Reporter

Howard Works
Publisher:Cross Plains High School
Year :February 1, 1924
Book No. :None
Edition :1st 
Format :Periodical / Newspaper
Pages :4
Cover art :None
Illustrations :None

Source: Dennis McHaney.

The Progress (newsprint)

The Cross Plains High School features two first appearances of Robert E. Howard’s poems “The Maiden of Kercheezer” and “Rules of Etiquette” (more like a limerick). The school paper was published twice a month by Cross Plains High School students. The poem or limerick, “Rules of Etiquette” was probably based on some of Howard’s own experiences when he was working for a local dry cleaner. Most likely the submissions were sent since Howard’s friend, Lindsey Tyson, was on the staff.

Tags: Lindsey Tyson / Robert E. Howard