Number 3, volume 15 – fall 2021. Contains two typescripts of ‘The Fire of Asshurbanipal’, the non-fantastic version and the version with the fantastic ending. Also a letter from the board and the 2022 REH Foundation awards. The Fire of Asshurbanipal was published in Weird Tales January 1936.


  • 2 • Letter from the Board (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter, fall 2021) • by Lee A. Breakiron
  • 3 • Typescript of ‘The Fire of Asshurbanipal‘ (non-fantastic version) • short fiction by Robert E. Howard
  • 20 • Typescript of ‘The Fire of Asshurbanipal‘ (fantastic version ending) • short fiction by Robert E. Howard
  • 31 • The 2022 Robert E. Howard Foundation Awards • essay by uncredited
  • bc • Ad for the ultimate edition of ‘The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard volume 1’
Publisher :The Robert E. Howard Foundation
Year :Fall 2021 (mailed October 2021)
Format :Periodical  (8.5 x 11, saddle-stapled)
Pages :34 including front and back covers
Cover :Cover of Weird Tales December 1936 – art by J. Allen St. John
Illustrations :None


Prepared for publication by Lee A. Breakiron
Not available for individual sale.
This newsletter was provided to Friends of REH and Legacy Circle members of the Robert E. Howard Foundation.
It is a limited edition and all surplus copies will be destroyed at year’s end.

Back cover

The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v15 #3

Number 3, volume 15 – fall 2021. Contains two typescripts of ‘The Fire of Asshurbanipal’, the non-fantastic version and the version with the fantastic ending. Also a letter from the board and the 2022 REH Foundation awards. The Fire of Asshurbanipal was published in Weird Tales January 1936.

Tags: Bill “Indy” Cavalier / Breckinridge Elkins / Lee Breakiron / Newsletter / Richard Bernal / Robert E. Howard