“While Smoke Rolled” is a facsimile of the Howard typescript of a draft of the story. This story has never been published in this, its original version. This version has Pike Bearfield as the hero; the published version has Breckinridge Elkins in his place. The back cover is a color copy of one of Howard’s onionskin carbons, with the text on the reverse side showing through (typed on both sides to save on paper costs).

Not available for individual sale. This newsletter was provided to Friends of REH and Legacy Circle members of the Robert E. Howard Foundation. It is a limited edition and all surplus copies will be destroyed at year’s end.


  • 2 • Letter from the Secretary (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter #3) • essay by Paul Herman
  • 3 • The Search for the Desk of Robert E. Howard • essay by Paul Herman
  • 5 • While Smoke Rolled (draft) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • bc • Untitled story fragment • interior artwork by Robert E. Howard
Publisher :The Robert E. Howard Foundation
Year :Fall 2007
Format :Periodical  (8.5 x 11, saddle stapled)
Pages :24
Cover :Photo of REH’s desk cut down to a coffee table
Illustrations :None


Prepared for publication by Paul Herman.
Editor: Patrice Louinet

Although labeled Fall 2007, this issue was mailed to subscribers in late December along with the Winter 2007 issue.

Saddle stapled, wraps. Page numbers include covers.
Distributed to members of The Robert E. Howard Foundation.

The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #3

“While Smoke Rolled” is a facsimile of the Howard typescript of a draft of the story. This story has never been published in this, its original version. This version has Pike Bearfield as the hero; the published version has Breckinridge Elkins in his place. The back cover is a color copy of one of Howard’s onionskin carbons, with the text on the reverse side showing through (typed on both sides to save on paper costs).

Tags: Newsletter / Patrice Louinet / Paul Herman / Robert E. Howard