Swords of the North – the Ultimate Edition!

The definitive collection of Robert E. Howard’s Celtic/Viking adventure stories. The book checks in at around 500 pages, and will be printed in hardback with dust jacket. Edited by Rob Roehm and Paul Herman. Cover art by Mark Wheatley and introduction by Rusty Burke.

Swords of the North collects some of Howard’s finest tales of Sword and Sorcery, including “Kings of the Niight”, “The Dark Man”, “The Valley of the Worm”, and more. Also complete tales and fragments of James Allison and Cormac Mac Art are included here.


Swords of the North – Contents

  • vii • Night Falls on Asgard • essay by Rusty Burke
  • 3 • Niflheim • (1957) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 5 • The Frost King’s Daughter • (2011) • short story by Robert E. Howard (variant of Gods of the North 1934)
  • 13 • The Valley of the Worm • [James Allison] • (1934) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 31 • The Garden of Fear • [James Allison] • (1934) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 45 • Marchers of Valhalla • [James Allison] • (1972) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 75 • “Feach Air Muir Lionadhi Gaelach Buidhe Mar Or” • (1970) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 77 • The People of the Dark • (1932) • short story by Robert E. Howard (variant of People of the Dark)
  • 93 • An Echo from the Iron Harp • (1974) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 97 • Kings of the Night • [Bran Mak Morn] • (1930) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 127 • Swords of the Northern Sea • [Cormac Mac Art] • (1974) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 151 • The Night of the Wolf • [Cormac Mac Art] • (1969) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 173 • Delenda Est • (1968) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 179 • The Ballad of King Geraint • (1989) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 205 • The Song of the Last Briton • (1982) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 207 • Memories of Alfred • (1982) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 209 • Dreaming on Downs • (1929) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 211 • The Song of Horsa’s Galley • (1970) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 213 • Song Before Clontarf • (1975) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 215 • The Grey God Passes • [Turlogh O’Brien] • (1962) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 243 • The Dark Man • [Turlogh O’Brien] • (1931) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 265 • The Gods of Bal-Sagoth • [Turlogh O’Brien] • (1931) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 297 • The Outgoing of Sigurd the Jerusalem-Farer • (1975) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 299 • Marching Song of Connacht • (1972) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 301 • Reuben’s Birthright • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 330 • The Ghost in the Doorway • (1969) • essay by Robert E. Howard
  • 307 • Black Michael’s Story • (2009) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 309 • Dermod’s Bane • (1967) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 315 • The Cairn on the Headland • (1933) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 337 • Black Harps in the Hills • (1976) • poem by Robert E. Howard

Appendix 1 – James Allison – Unfinished Tales

Appendix 2 – Cormac Mac Art – Unfinished Tales

Appendix 3 – Turlogh Dubb O’Brian – Unfinished Tales

Miscellanea – Poems and Unfinished Tales

  • 425 • The King’s Service • (1976) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 441 • Where Are Your Knights, Donn Othna? • (1969) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 443 • No More the Serpent Prow • (1971) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 445 • Untitled (“‘I’, said Chuchulain, ‘Was a man…”) • short fiction by Robert E. Howard
  • 447 • The Harp of Alfred • (1928) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 449 • Viking’s Vision • (1982) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 451 • Thor’s Son • (1969) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 453 • To Harry the Oliad Men • (1976) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 455 • Hy-Brasil • (1982) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 457 • Heritage (1) (“My people came from Munster and rugged Nevis-side…”) • (1968) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 459 • Singing Hemp • (1975) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 461 • The Return of the Sea-Farer • (1978) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 463 • Heritage (2) (“Saxon blood in the veins of me…”) • (1975) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 465 • Viking’s Trail • (1975) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 467 • To a Friend • (1975) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 469 • Twilight on Stonehenge • (1989) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 471 • The House of Gael • (2002) • poem by Robert E. Howard
Swords of the North - Cover art by Mark Wheatley
Hardcover Amazon.com Paperback Amazon.com Hardcover Amazon.co.uk Paperback Amazon.co.uk
Publisher :Robert E. Howard Foundation
Year :May 2024
Format :Hardcover with dust jacket and Paperback
Pages :xvi plus 474
Cover :Mark Wheatley
Illustrations :None


Version 2.0

Introduction by Rusty Burke.
Edited by Rob Roehm and Paul Herman.
Cover art by Mark Wheatley.
Dedicated to Glenn Lord.
Cover artist credited on rear jacket flap.

First appearance:
Untitled, “Between berserk battle rages”
Untitled, ” ‘I,’ said Cuchulain”

The first edition:

Artwork by Mark Wheatley

Swords of the North

Swords of the North, a collection of Robert E. Howard’s Celtic/Viking adventure stories. The book checks in at around 500 pages, and will be printed in hardback with dust jacket. Cover art by Mark Wheatley and introduction by Rusty Burke. This volume is the new and edited volume of the now sold out first edition.

Tags: Mark Wheatley / Paul Herman / Rob Roehm / Robert E. Howard / Rusty Burke