A fanzine or periodical edited by Jonathan Bacon. This was a Spicy Adventure Issue, from May 1976. Issue 8 Contains the first appearance of both DAUGHTERS OF FEUD and the poem MISER’S GOLD. Cover illustration by Richard Corben (from an illustration of Night Images featuring REH poems).


  • 2 •  Fantasy Crossroads #8 (Logo) • interior artwork by Clyde Caldwell
  • 3 • Ramblings (Fantasy Crossroads #8) • [Editorial Ramblings] • essay by Jonathan Bacon
  • 3 •  Letter from Edmond Hamilton, May 1969 • essay by Edmond Hamilton
  • 4 •  Letter: H. P. Lovecraft to Clark Ashton Smith, June 23, 1930 • essay by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 5 • Notes on Lovecraft’s Letter to Smith • essay by Dirk W. Mosig [as by Dirk Mosig]
  • 6 • Revue Rak • essay by uncredited
  • 6 •   Review: Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Dreamer on the Night Side by Frank Belknap Long • review by Loay Hall [as by Loay H. Hall]
  • 7 • Review of “Robert E. Howard’s Conan”: A Record Album • essay by Marty Ellenberger
  • 7 •   Review: Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Dreamer on the Night Side by Frank Belknap Long • review by Scott Connors
  • 8 • Review of “Fantasae #1” by Ken & Deb Raney • essay by Jonathan Bacon
  • 8 •   Review: The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson • review by Dirk W. Mosig
  • 9 • Epistle Express (Fantasy Crossroads #8) • [Epistle Express] • essay by Jonathan Bacon
  • 9 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #8) • essay by Gregory Nicoll
  • 9 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #8) • essay by Bob Barger [as by Robert P. Barger]
  • 9 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #8) • essay by Scott Connors
  • 10 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #8) • essay by Arnie Fenner [as by Arnold Fenner]
  • 10 •  Fantasy Crossroads #8 • interior artwork by Arnie Fenner
  • 11 •  Fantasy Crossroads #8 [2] • interior artwork by Jim Jones (I)
  • 11 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #8) • essay by Loay Hall
  • 12 •  Fantasy Crossroads #8 [3] • interior artwork by Douglas Herring
  • 12 •  ”The God in the Bowl” Portfolio • interior artwork by Gene Day
  • 18 • Daughters of Feud • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 18 •  Daughters of Feud • interior artwork by Clyde Caldwell
  • 24 • Rough Love Pays • short story by Tevis Clyde Smith
  • 24 •  Rough Love Pays • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian
  • 27 • The King Ghost and the Girl • short story by Steve Eng [as by John Bredon]
  • 27 •  The King Ghost and the Girl • interior artwork by Lee Brown Coye
  • 28 • Red Cap of Mara • short story by G. M. Eddy, Jr.
  • 28 •  Red Cap of Mara • interior artwork by Richard Huber [as by Richard Huber, Jr.]
  • 33 • Crimson Cavalier • poem by Steve Eng [as by John Bredon]
  • 33 •  Crimson Cavalier • interior artwork by Ric Cruz and Sam de la Rosa
  • 34 • Miser’s Gold • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 34 •  Miser’s Gold • interior artwork by Lee Brown Coye
  • 36 •  Far Babylon • interior artwork by Ric Cruz
  • 37 • Far Babylon • [W. Wilson Newbury] • (1976) • short story by L. Sprague de Camp
  • 38 •  Fantasy Crossroads #8 [3[ • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian
  • 39 • Night Feast • poem by Michael Fantina
  • 39 •  Night Feast • interior artwork by Ric Cruz
  • 40 • Of Sword & Sorcery: Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser by Fritz Leiber • essay by Paul C. Allen
  • 42 •  Letter from Leigh Brackett, May 22, 1969 • essay by Leigh Brackett
  • 42 •   Review: The Coming of the Horseclans by Robert Adams • review by Paul C. Allen
  • 42 •   Review: Sword of the Gael by Andrew J. Offutt • review by Paul C. Allen
  • 43 • The Macabre in Heroic Fantasy: From “The Jewel in the Skull” • short fiction by Michael Moorcock
  • 43 •  The Macabre in Heroic Fantasy: From “The Jewel in the Skull” • interior artwork by Lee Brown Coye
  • 44 • Ode to the Pulps • poem by William A. Conder
  • 44 •  Ode to the Pulps • interior artwork by Richard Huber [as by Richard Huber, Jr.]


 Whole number 8. Page numbers include covers.
Saddle stapled, wraps.
Spicy Adventure Issue.
Print run 1000 numbered copies.
Print size reduced (for the second time)to permit more content in fewer pages.
The cover illustration is from Night Images, a book of Howard poetry.
The letters from Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett appeared originally in Return to Wonder, edited by Stephen Riley.
The Lovecraft letter appears as a copy of the handwritten missive and in typescript.

Publisher:Stygian Isle Press
Year :May 1976
Book No. :None
Edition :1st
Format :Periodical  (8.5 x 11, saddle stapled)
Pages :80
Cover :Richard Corben (an illustration from NIGHT IMAGES featuring REH poems)
Illustrations :See contents
Interior artwork by Clyde Caldwell
Howard Works ISFDB

Fantasy Crossroads #8

A fanzine or periodical edited by Jonathan Bacon from May 1976. Issue 8 Contains the first appearance of both DAUGHTERS OF FEUD and MISER’S GOLD. Cover illustration by Richard Corben (from an illustration of Night Images featuring REH poems).

Tags: Clark Ashton Smith / Clyde Caldwell / Dirk Mosiq / Gene Day / H. P. Lovecraft / Jonathan Bacon / L. Sprague de Camp / Robert E. Howard / Stephen Fabian / Tevis Clyde Smith