The second issue of a fanzine/periodical edited by Jonathan Bacon. From February 1975. This first issue contains several poems and two letters to Harold Preece. It also contains the stories THE CURSE OF THE GOLDEN SKULL (illustrated by Stephen Fabian) and DRUMS OF THE SUNSET.

Both of the letters to Harold Preece can be found in THE COLLECTED LETTERS OF ROBERT E. HOWARD. They are Letter #086 in Volume 1 and Letter #142 in Volume 2.


  • ifc • Editorial (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • [Editorial Ramblings] • essay by Jonathan Bacon
  • 1 • Epistle Express (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • [Epistle Express] • essay by Jonathan Bacon
  • 1 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • essay by Will Eisner
  • 1 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • essay by Frank Cirocco
  • 2 •  Fantasy Crossroads #2 • interior artwork by Roy Wilson
  • 3 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • essay by Harold Preece
  • 3 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • essay by Peter de Sève?
  • 4 •  Letter (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • essay by John Jakes
  • 5 • Robert E. Howard Section • essay by uncredited
  • 6 •  Letter: Robert E. Howard to Harold Preece, Received October 20, 1928 (“Salaam: / Your stationery is alright…”) • [Letters to Harold Preece] • (1962) • essay by Robert E. Howard (variant of Letter to Harold Preece, received October 20, 1928 (“Salaam: / Your stationery is alright…”) 1976)
  • 8 •  Letter: Robert E. Howard to Harold Preece, no date (“Well, Harold, how did you like…”) • [Letters to Harold Preece] • (1962) • essay by Robert E. Howard
  • 9 • The Curse of the Golden Skull • [Kull of Valusia] • (1967) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 9 •  The Curse of the Golden Skull • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian
  • 10 •  The Curse of the Golden Skull [2] • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian
  • 14 • The Last Celt • (1968) • essay by Harold Preece
  • 14 • The Last Celt – Introduction • interview of Glenn Lord • interview by Jonathan Bacon
  • 17 • Heritage (“My people came from Munster and rugged Nevis-side…”) • (1968) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 18 • The Last Celt – An Epilogue • essay by Harold Preece
  • 19 •  ”By his blood-stained sword” • interior artwork by Mercy Van Vlack
  • 20 • Heritage (“Saxon blood in the veins of me…”) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 20 •  Heritage (“Saxon blood in the veins…”) • interior artwork by Frank Cirocco
  • 22 • Always Comes Evening • (1936) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 23 •  Always Comes Evening • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian
  • 24 • The Poets • (1938) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 25 •  Fantasy Crossroads #2 (King Kull) • interior artwork by Mike Hodge
  • 26 •  Fantasy Crossroads #2 (King Kull ) [2] • interior artwork by Mercy Van Vlack
  • 27 • Kull the Conquerer Check List • essay by uncredited
  • 27 •  Kull the Conquerer Check List • interior artwork by Mercy Van Vlack
  • 28 •  Fantasy Crossroads #2 [2] • interior artwork by Ronn Foss
  • 29 •  The Strip (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • interior artwork by Frank Cirocco and Ronn Foss and David Heath and Mike Hodge and Richard Lynn and Garry Sassaman [as by Frank Cirocco and Ronn Foss and David Heath, Jr. and Mike Hodge and Richard Lynn and Garry Sassaman]
  • 43 •  Fan Art Portfolio (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • interior artwork by Al Bradford and Ric Cruz and Sam de la Rosa and Martin L. Greim and David Heath and Mike Hodge and Arvel Jones and Ken Raney and Gary Sassaman and Jon Victor and Mercy Van Vlack [as by Al Bradford and Ric Cruz and Sam de la Rosa and Martin Greim and David Heath and Mike Hodge and Arvel Jones and K. W. Raney, III and Gary Sassaman and Jon Victor and Mercy Van Vlack]
  • 51 •  Comic Literature Section (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • interior artwork by A. J. Hanley
  • 52 • A Conversation with A. J. Hanley • interview of A. J. Hanley • interview by Jonathan Bacon and Mike Hodge
  • 60 • News Notes (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • essay by uncredited
  • 63 •  Fantasy Crossroads #2 [3] • interior artwork by Larry Lankford
  • 64 • Revue Rak (Fantasy Crossroads #2) • essay by uncredited
  • 65 •  Fantasy Crossroads #2 (The Shadow) • interior artwork by Larry Lankford
  • 68 • Drums of the Sunset • non-genre • (1928) • novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 96 • What Is This World Coming To? • essay by Stanley R. Blair
  • 98 •  Fantasy Crossroads #2 [4] • interior artwork by Ken Raney [as by K. W. Raney, III]


Edited by Jonathan Bacon

Volume 1, number 2. Whole number 2.
Stapled single sheets with covers, page numbers do not include front cover.
Print run 450 copies.
Cover illustration is of Robert E. Howard character King Kull.
Howard wrote two poems titled “Heritage”. The first one (“My people come from Munster…”), first appeared in “The Junto” and then in “The Howard Collector” for Spring, 1962. The second (“Saxon blood in the veins…”) appears here for the first time.
“Kull the Conquerer Check List” documents appearances of this character in comic books.
“Revue Rak” reviews fanzines.
“Drums in the Sunset” appeared in The Cross Plains Review in nine parts in 1928-1929.
Pages 88-95 are “missing”; artist Neal Adams was to have supplied 10 illustrations for “Drums of the Sunset”, but was unable to meet the publishing deadline.
“What Is This World Coming To?” is about comics collecting.

First appearance:
“Heritage” (2, “Saxon blood in the veins …”)
“The Curse of the Golden Skull” and “Always Comes Evening” are illustrated by Steve Fabian
“Heritage” (2) is illustrated by Frank Cirocco

Publisher:Graceland College Comic Club
Year :February 1975
Book No. :None
Edition :1st
Format :Periodical  (8.5 x 11, side stapled)
Pages :100 including front and back cover
Cover :A. J. Hanley
Illustrations :See above
Cover art by A. J. Hanley

Fantasy Crossroads #2

The second issue of a fanzine/periodical edited by Jonathan Bacon. From February 1975. This first issue contains several poems and two letters to Harold Preece. It also contains the stories THE CURSE OF THE GOLDEN SKULL and DRUMS OF THE SUNSET.

Tags: Alan J. Hanley / Frank Cirocco / Harold Preece / Jonathan Bacon / King Kull / Larry Lankford / Mercy Van Vlack / Robert E. Howard / Stephen Fabian / Will Eisner