This chapbook or fanzine from 1989 contains ‘The Stones of Destiny’ by Howard and I believe this is the first time it was published. In the introduction by Robert M. Price he says that this is one of those silly “confession” pieces he bragged to Novalyne Price that he’d tossed off for a few extra bucks. It was never sold though.


  • ifc •  Pulp Magazine #1 • interior artwork by Bruce J. Timm
  • 2 • Editorial (Pulp Magazine #1) • essay by Robert M. Price
  • 3 • “They Don’t Write ’em Like This Anymore” • short story by T. E. D. Klein
  • 9 • The Stones of Destiny • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • 19 • Light in the Jungle • short story by Carl Jacobi
  • 25 • Anti • short story by Hugh B. Cave
  • 33 • Heliograph • short story by Carl Jacobi
  • 42 • The Curse of the House • (1939) • short story by Robert Bloch
  • 53 • Murder in Silhouette • short story by Manly Wade Wellman
  • bc •  Pulp Magazine #1 • interior artwork by Bruce J. Timm
Publisher :Cryptic Publications
Year :March 1989
Format :Booklet
Pages :60
Cover :Bruce Timm
Illustrations :Bruce Timm


Saddle stapled, wraps. Page numbers do not include covers.
Cover and interior artist credited on p. 52; initials “BT” appear on each illustration.
Only issue of this fanzine.

Edited by Robert M. Price
Contains inside front cover and back cover illustrations by Bruce Timm

Howard Works ISFDB

Pulp Magazine #1

Tags: Pulp / Robert E. Howard