According to Howard Works this was distributed in REHupa #178.

A tiny chapbook/fanzine by Dennis McHaney from December 2002. It contains Howard’s story “Golden Hope” Christmas.

Limited to 100 copies. 36 copies were distributed through The Robert E. Howard United Press Association and appeared in REHUPA #178.
The only interior illustration is the color frontispiece, which like the front and back covers is by J. Allen St. John.


  • “Golden Hope” Christmas (frontispiece) • interior artwork by J. Allen St. John
  • 2 • “Golden Hope” Christmas • non-genre • (1922) • short story by Robert E. Howard
  • bc •  ”Golden Hope” Christmas • interior artwork by J. Allen St. John


Publisher:Dennis McHaney’s Shirtpocket Press
Year :December 2002
Book No. :None
Edition :1st
Format :Chapbook (4.25 x 5.5 inches) (“Golden Hope” Christmas)
Pages :16 including covers
Cover :J. Allen St. John
Illustrations :J. Allen St. John


There is also a color Christmas wreath by J. Allen St. John inside the front cover where Dennis signed this “Christmas card”.

Saddle staples, wraps.


“Golden Hope” Christmas

A tiny chapbook/fanzine by Dennis McHaney from December 2002. It contains Howard’s story “Golden Hope” Christmas.

Limited to 100 copies. 36 copies were distributed through The Robert E. Howard United Press Association and appeared in REHUPA #178.
The only interior illustration is the color frontispiece, which like the front and back covers is by J. Allen St. John.

Tags: Dennis McHaney / J. Allen St. John / Robert E. Howard