From Lee A. Breakiron’s Robert E. Howard: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources (in progress). Slightly edited by Ståle Gismervik for this website, mostly due to links to blogs that don’t exist any longer and recreating articles.
Author | Reference |
Anonymous | “Glenn Lord” [obituary] in Locus #613, Vol. 68, #2 (Locus Press, Oakland, Feb., 2012), p. 81 w/photo |
Anonymous (Breakiron, Lee A. & Herman, Paul) | “Glenn Lord” [bio, summary of his REH scholarship, & list of his publ.] in Wikipedia w/photo |
Anonymous | “Glenn Lord Obituary” [1931-2011; the REH scholar] in The Pasadena Citizen (Tex. newspaper, date?), p. ?; posted w/photo |
Anonymous | “World Fantasy Awards” [Glenn Lord’s receipt of the first World Fantasy special Award for “achievement over the past 20 years” at the 1978 World Fantasy Convention] in Fantasy Newsletter #7, Vol. 1, #7 (Paul C. Allen, Loveland, Colo., Dec., 1978), pp. 1 & 12 w/2 photos |
Barrett, Barbara | “Painting a Portrait of Glenn Lord” [(1931-2011; tributes to the REH scholar] posted on REH: Two-Gun Raconteur Blog, 7 Jan., 2012 w/2 Photos. Also re-created here. |
Barrett, Barbara | “Tribute” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), p. 57 w/photo |
Bethel, Brian | “‘Conan’ Author Robert E. Howard Collections Finds Home at UT” [Glenn Lord’s collection of REH typescripts & other materials is donated to the Harry Ransom Center of the Univ. of Texas] in Abilene Reporter-News (Tex. newspaper, 17 Aug., 2013), p. ? |
Blosser, Fred | “Observations” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 19-20 w/photo |
Brown, Charles N. "Charlie" | “Conan in the Courts” [breakdown of agreement over publ. rights involved in 1977 creation of Conan Properties, Inc., with Glenn Lord & Alla Ray Morris suing CPI attorney Arthur M. Lieberman for overcharging, Lieberman countersuing, & L. S. de Camp & Morris vs. Lord claiming Lord not entitled to 5% commission] in Locus #412, Vol. 34, #5 (ed. Charles N. Brown; Locus Publ., Oakland, May, 1995), pp. 9 & 75 |
Brown, Charles N. "Charlie" | “Conan in the Courts: An Update” [judge stayed arbitration sought by L. Sprague de Camp depriving Glenn Lord of any say in publishing Conan stories] in Locus #418, Vol. 35, #5 (ed. Charles N. Brown; Locus Publ., Oakland, Nov., 1995), p. 9 |
Brown, Charles N. "Charlie" | “Conan Rides Again!” [Ace/Prestige’s pub. of de Camp & Carter’s Conan of Aquilonia (1977) despite Lord & de Camp’s objections, & Berkley’s pub. of 3 Conan & 7 other REH books] in Locus #200, Vol. 10, #3 (ed. Dena C. Brown & Charles N. Brown; Locus Publ., Oakland, Mar., 1977), p. 1 |
Brown, Charles N. "Charlie" | “Howard Books Sold” [Berkley’s purchase of reprint rights of 15 REH books, incl. Lancer, arranged by Glenn Lord & Kirby McCauley for $300K] in Locus #195, Vol. 9, #13 (ed. Charles N. Brown & Dena C. Brown; Locus Publ., Oakland, 3 Oct., 1976), p. 2 |
Brown, Dena C. & Brown, Charles N. "Charlie" | “Conan Settlement” [announces formation of Conan Properties, Inc., in Weston, Ct., whose directors are L. Sprague de Camp, Glenn Lord, & Dr. John Troll, with president Kirby McCauley of New York; it controls all rights, incl. books, dramas, merchandise, & advertising, to the fictional character & milieu of Conan; CPI reached an agreement with Charter Pubs. (Ace) for the reprinting of the 12 Lancer pbs. & with Ace & Berkley for reprinting other material previously in print; Bantam ordered at least 6 new Conan titles; Pressman & Co. took an option on a Conan movie scripted by Edward Summer & Roy Thomas & starring Arnold Schwarzenegger; non-literary merchandising will be done through CPI’s counsel Arthur M. Lieberman of New York; Ace, which reprinted the Conan series, has been averaging sales of 299K copies/ month & will continue doing so, as well as doing 6 illustrated novellas 2 books of essays, & up to 6 trade pbs.] in Locus #204, Vol. 10, #7 (ed. Dena C. Brown & Charles N. Brown; Sep., 1977), p. 2 |
Burke, Rusty | “Glenn Lord” in Robert E. Howard Centennial: World Fantasy Convention 2006 (ed. Sara Felix; pub?, place?, Nov., 2006), pp. ?-? |
Burke, Rusty | “Glenn Lord, 1931-2011” [obituary] in The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 6, #1 (ed. Rob Roehm; Plano, Tex., spring, 2012), pp. 13-14 w/2 photos |
Burke, Rusty | “Glenn Lord, the Father of Howard Fandom” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney/, Austin, Tex., 2011), pp. 30-41 w/9 photos |
Cavalier, Bill | “Tribute” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 52-53 w/2 photos |
Coffman, Frank | “Poetic Justice: Glenn Lord’s Achievement in the Publication and Popularization of Howard’s Poetry” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 24-29 w/3 photos |
de Camp, L. Sprague | “Bibliotechnical Bonanza” [announces Glenn Lord’s discovery of 6 new Conan stories to be included in forthcoming pbs.] in Amra, Vol. 2, #42 (ed. George H. Scithers; Terminus, Owlswick, & Ft. Mudge Electrick St. Railway Gazette, Germany, Sep., 1966), p. 3 |
de Camp, L. Sprague | Letter [on his reworking of REH’s “The Black Stranger” into “The Treasure of Tranicos” & announcement by him & Glenn Lord of the formation of Conan Properties, Inc.] in Fantasy Crossroads, Vol. 1, #12 (ed. Jonathan Bacon; Simba Reproductions, Hurst, Texas & Stygian Isle Press, Shawnee Mission, Kan., Nov., 1977), pp. 43-44 |
de Camp, L. Sprague | Letter [dated 22 Oct., 1978; resolution of a dispute with Glenn Lord about de Camp’s income from the Conan books] in Loay H. Hall’s Torrutesich #10, p. 1 in REHupa Mailing #38 (Mar., 1979); reprinted in Edward A. Waterman’s Barbarian Keep #26, p. 22 in REHupa Mailing #178 (Dec., 2002) |
de Camp, L. Sprague | Note [on Glenn Lord’s discovery of REH’s “The Vale of Lost Women” manuscript] in Amra, Vol. 2, #42 (ed. George H. Scithers; Terminus, Owlswick, & Ft. Mudge Electrick St. Railway Gazette, Germany, Sep., 1966), p. 6 |
Grin, Leo | “The Black Circle Award” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 42-47 w/4 photos; reprinted as “The Black Circle [Cimmerian] Award [for] Lifetime Achievement: Glenn Lord” in The Cimmerian Awards 2005 (Leo Grin, Playa del Rey, Cal., 2005), pp. 37-39 w/photo |
Herman, Paul | “Lunch with Glenn” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 48-51 w/3 photos |
Herman, Paul | “News & Events: Howard Typescripts at HRC” [report on 26 July, 2013 donation of Glenn Lord’s REH-related typescripts to Univ. of Texas] in The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 7, #3 (ed. Rob Roehm; Plano, Tex., fall, 2013), p. 11 w/photo |
Herron, Don | “The Center of the Vortex” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 2-4 w/2 photos |
Holmes, Morgan | “Glenn Lord as Editor” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 5-7 w/photo |
Lord, Glenn | “A proposito di Redflame” [“About ‘Redflame’”; letter; what is known about the REH story “Redflame”; in Italian] in Yorick Fantasy Magazine #6/7 (ed. Massimo Tassi; Reggio Emilia, Italy, Dec., 1988-May, 1989), p. 6 |
Lord, Glenn | “Addenda: Character-Continuity Series” [of Dennis Dorgan in THC #3] in The Howard Collector #4, Vol. 1, #4 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., summer, 1963), p. 39 |
Lord, Glenn | “Addenda: Fiction Index [of REH in THC #2] in The Howard Collector #3, Vol. 1, #3 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., autumn, 1962), pp. 34-35; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), pp. 235-236 |
Lord, Glenn | “Addenda: Fiction Index [of REH in THC #2] in The Howard Collector #9, Vol. 2, #3 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1967), pp. 30-35 |
Lord, Glenn | “Addenda: Verse Index” [of REH in THC #1; titled headings & unpub. verse] in The Howard Collector #2, Vol. 1, #2 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring 1962), p. 35; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), p. 214 |
Lord, Glenn | Afterword [publ. history of REH’s serious westerns & historical background of “The Vultures”] to The Vultures/Showdown at Hell’s Canyon (by REH; Fictioneer Books, Lakemont, Ga., 1973), pp. 133-138; reprinted in The Vultures of Whapeton (Zebra Books, New York, 1975), pp. 93-97 |
Lord, Glenn | “Antipazioni, notizie e curiosità dal mondo di Robert E. Howard” [“Advances, News and Curiosities from the World of Robert E. Howard”; in Italian] in Il tentatore: Yorick Fantasy Magazine Speciale #27bis/Taccuino #7 (ed. Massimo Tassi; Reggio Emilia, Italy, 1998), pp. 36-39 w/photo |
Lord, Glenn | “An Atlantean in Aquilonia” [how REH changed “By This Axe I Rule!” into “The Phoenix on the Sword”; explains how Lord had to change some of the names of the consirators in “Axe”; & reveals the 1st, unpub. stanza of REH’s “The King and the Oak”] in The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian #1 (Marvel Comics Group, New York, Aug., 1974), pp. 58-61 |
Lord, Glenn | “The Bibliography” [of REH’s fiction, verse, nonfiction, & letters in books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, fanzines, & comics, incl. translations, collaborations, & adaptations; unpub. works; Conan pastiches; & articles about REH, all thru end of 1973; cross-referenced by character] in his The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1976; reprinted by Berkley Windhover (New York, 1977)), pp. 105-352 |
Lord, Glenn | “Bibliography of the Robert E. Howard Collections Held by the University of California at Berkeley, Bancroft Library” in Edward A. Waterman’s The Barbarian Keep #24, pp. 7-14 w/3 photos of REH in REHupa Mailing #175 (June, 2002), reprinted in The Dark Man #7 (ed. Mark E. Hall; Seele Brennt Publ., New Paltz, N.Y., spring, 2004), pp. 21-24 w/3 photos of REH; erratum in #8, p. 50 |
Lord, Glenn | “Book Index” [of REH pubbed 1937-1964] in The Howard Collector #7, Vol. 2, #1 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., winter, 1965), pp. 32-36 followed by photo of REH & Truett Vinson mock boxing |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [objective of THC] in The Howard Collector Vol. 1, #1 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., summer, 1961), pp. 3-4; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), p. 174 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on the contributors] in The Howard Collector #2, Vol. 1, #2 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1962), p. 2; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), pp. 193-194 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on the contents & REH publishing news] in The Howard Collector #3, Vol. 1, #3 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., autumn, 1962), p. 2; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), pp. 216-217 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [incl. a note on Oscar J. Friend] in The Howard Collector #4, Vol. 1, #4 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., summer, 1963), p. 2 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [incl. a correction to THC #3] in The Howard Collector #5, Vol. 1, #5 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., summer, 1964), p. 2 preceded by photo of REH, Truett Vinson, & Tevis Clyde Smith, Jr.) |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes [on the contents & REH publishing news] in The Howard Collector #6, Vol. 1, #6 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1965), pp. 2-3 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” in The Howard Collector #7, Vol. 2, #1 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., winter, 1965), p. 2 preceded by photo of REH & Tevis Clyde Smith, Jr. |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [incl. remarks on the Dennis Dorgan stories & Ghost Stories] in The Howard Collector #8, Vol. 2, #2 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., summer, 1966), pp. 2-3 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [incl. remarks on the beheading that inspired REH’s “The Shadow of Doom” & Lord’s discovery of unpub. stories] in The Howard Collector #9, Vol. 2, #3 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1967), pp. 2-3 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on the contents & REH pub. news] in The Howard Collector #10, Vol. 2, #4 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1968), pp. 2, 3, & 44 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [REH publishing news] in The Howard Collector #11, Vol. 2, #5 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1969), pp. 3& 4 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on “Two against Tyre” in this issue & REH publishing news] in The Howard Collector #12, Vol. 2, #6 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1970), pp. 2-3 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on the contents & REH publishing news] in The Howard Collector #13, Vol. 3, #1 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., autumn, 1970), pp. 2-4 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on the contents & REH publishing news] in The Howard Collector #14, Vol. 3, #2 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1971), p. 2 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [incl. a note on August Derleth’s death] in The Howard Collector #15, Vol. 3, #3 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., autumn, 1971), pp. 2-4 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [incl. notes on REH’s last stories & Isaac M. Howard’s 1936 letter to Otis Adelbert Kline] in The Howard Collector #16, Vol. 3, #4 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1972), pp. 2-3 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on the contents & REH publishing news] in The Howard Collector #17, Vol. 3, #5 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., autumn, 1972), pp. 2-3 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on the contents & REH publishing news] in The Howard Collector #18, Vol. 3, #6 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., autumn, 1973), pp. 2-3 |
Lord, Glenn | “Editorial Notes” [on the submission history of “Black Canaan”] in The Howard Collector #19, Vol. 4, #1 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., summer, 2011), pp. 2-3 |
Lord, Glenn | “Errata: The Howard Collector No. 1” [to his Verse Index, pp. 23, 28, & 30] in The Howard Collector #2, Vol. 1, #2 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1962), p. 36; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), pp. 214-215 |
Lord, Glenn | “Errata: Fiction Index” [to THC #2] in The Howard Collector #3, Vol. 1, #3 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., autumn, 1962), p. 35; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), p. 236 |
Lord, Glenn | “The Father of Conan” [bio & career sketch of REH] in The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian #200 (Marvel Comics, New York, Aug., 1992), p. 57 |
Lord, Glenn | “Fiction Index” [list of REH pub. stories] in The Howard Collector #2, Vol. 1, #2 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., spring, 1962), pp. 19-34; see his addenda & errata in #3, pp. 34-35; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), pp. 202-214 & errata on p. 236 |
Lord, Glenn | “The Fiction of Robert E. Howard” [list of titles & years, pub. & unpub.] in The Howard Review #1 (Dennis McHaney, Memphis, Nov., 1974), pp. 15-26 |
Lord, Glenn | Foreword [source of REH poems therein] to Always Comes Evening (by REH; Arkham House Publishers, Sauk City, Wis., 1957), p. vii |
Lord, Glenn | Foreword [how he got interested in REH & came to publish Always Comes Evening (Grant, 1957), The Howard Collector (Lord, 1961-1973), & this book; the book’s contents & its authors; & acknowledgments] to Glenn Lord’s The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1976; reprinted by Berkley Windhover (New York, 1977)), pp. 17-20 |
Lord, Glenn | “A Gent from Cross Plains” [REH’s western stories] in Amra, Vol. 2, #1 (George H. Scithers, Stanford, Cal., Jan., 1959; reprinted 1974), pp.10-12; erratum in #3, p. 4; reprinted in The Conan Swordbook: 27 Examinations of Heroic Fantasy (ed. L. Sprague de Camp & George H. Scithers; Mirage Press, Baltimore, 1969), pp. 27-31 & in The Blade of Conan (ed. L. Sprague de Camp; Ace Books, New York, 1979; reprinted 1982), pp. 123-126 |
Lord, Glenn | “Herbert Klatt” [a friend of REH; orig. untitled] in Zarfhaana #35, pp.1-6 in Esoteric Order of Dagon Mailing #67 (Nov., 1989); reprinted untitled in Lord’s Costigan #? [sic], pp. 1-6 in REHupa Mailing #101 (Jan., 1990); reprinted as “Herbert Klatt” in The Dark Man #1 (ed. Rusty Burke; Necronomicon Press, West Warwick, R.I., Aug., 1990), pp. 24-27; reprinted as “Herbert Klatt: The Fourth Musketeer” in REH: Two-Gun Raconteur #8 (ed. Damon C. Sasser; The Black Coast Press, Channelview, Tex., fall, 2005), pp. 13-16 & in The Man from Cross Plains: A Centennial Celebration of Two-Gun Bob Howard (Dennis McHaney,, 2006), pp. 189-196 w/photo of REH; reprinted in The Man from Cross Plains: A Celebration of Two-Gun Bob Howard (Project Pride, Cross Plains, Tex., 2009); reprinted in French as “Herbert C. Klatt: le quatrième mousquetaire” in Échos de Cimmérie: Hommage à Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) (ed. Fabrice Tortey; Les Éditions de l’Oeil du Sphinx, Paris, 2009), pp. 103-107 w/photo of REH, Truett Vinson, & Tevis Clyde Smith, Jr. |
Lord, Glenn | “The Howard Collector” [history of REH’s & Lord’s efforts to publish REH’s fiction & verse] in Styx #2, Vol. 1, #2 (Joseph D. Krolik, Manitoba, Canada, 1973), pp. 4, 5, & 30 |
Lord, Glenn | “Howard Publishing in Eastern Europe” [incl. list of REH translations by country] in The Dark Man #4 (ed. Rusty Burke; Necronomicon Press, West Warwick, R.I., May, 1997), pp. 19-21 |
Lord, Glenn | “Howard’s Crusades Hero” [REH’s historical stories] in The Howard Review #7 (Dennis McHaney, Memphis, Apr., 1977), pp. 4-5; reprinted as “Howard’s Crusade Heroes” in The Book of The Howard Review (Dennis McHaney,, Dec., 2010), pp. 88-89; reprinted as “Howard’s Crusade Heroes” in The Book of The Howard Review Second Edition (Dennis McHaney,, Aug., 2021), pp. 88-89; |
Lord, Glenn | “Howard’s Detective Stories” in Amra, Vol. 2, #17 (ed. George H. Scithers; Terminus, Owlswick, & Ft. Mudge Electrick St. Railway Gazette, Arlington, Va., Oct., 1991), pp. 13-14; reprinted in The Conan Swordbook: 27 Examinations of Heroic Fantasy (ed. L. Sprague de Camp & George H. Scithers; Mirage Press, Baltimore, 1969), pp. 61-63 & in The Blade of Conan (ed. L. Sprague de Camp; Ace Books, New York, 1979), pp. 123-126 |
Lord, Glenn | “Indexes” [lists of articles, sketches, letters, & character series by REH, & addenda] in The Howard Collector #3, Vol. 1, #3 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., autumn, 1962), pp. 23-32; see addenda in #4, p. 39; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), pp. 227-234 |
Lord, Glenn | “An Informal Checklist” [of all prose items, e.g. sketches, parodies, etc., in REH letters to Tevis Clyde Smith, Jr.] in An REH Memorial: June 13-15 1986 (Rusty Burke, Houston, June, 1986), pp. 9-11 |
Lord, Glenn | Index in Le Rebelle (by REH; Nouvelles Éditions Oswald, Paris, 1989; in French), pp. 159-162 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [how he tracked down the poems therein] to Always Comes Evening (by REH; Underwood-Miller, San Francisco, 1977), pp. 9-11 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [REH career sketch & book contents] to The Book of Robert E. Howard (ed. Glenn Lord; Zebra Books, New York, 1976), pp. 9-11 w/prefatory notes before “Pigeons from Hell” (pp. 13-14), “Pit of the Serpent” (p. 61), “Etchings in Ivory” (p. 89), “Red Blades of Black Cathay” (p. 115), “Knife, Bullet and Noose” (p. 167), “Gents on the Lynch” (p. 189), “She Devil” (p. 219), “Voice of El-Lil” (p. 245), “Black Wind Blowing” (p. 281), “The Curse of the Golden Skull” (p. 315), & “Black Talons” (p. 323); reprinted by Berkley Publishing Corp. (New York, 1980), pp. ix-xi &, respectively, pp. 1-2, 36, 56, 74, 111, 128, 149, 169, 194, 219, & 223 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [in Italian] to Culti Innominabili. I miti di Cthulhu in cinque storie di Robert Ervin Howard (Nexus, Venice, Italy, 1993), pp. ?-? |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [provenance of the poems therein] to Echoes from an Iron Harp (Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1972), pp. 9-10 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [provenance of REH’s stories “Marchers of Valhalla” & “The Thunder-Rider”] to Marchers of Valhalla (by REH; Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1972), p. 9 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [mainly REH’s June-July 1931 letter to Farnsworth Wight about himself] to Pigeons from Hell (by REH; Zebra Books, New York, 1976), pp. 7-10; reprinted by Ace Books (New York, 1979), pp. 7-10 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [Solomon Kane & his stories & poems] to The Moon of Skulls (by REH; Centaur Press, New York, 1969; reprinted in 1974 & 1976 & by Peter Haddock Limited, Hungary, 1972), pp. 5-6 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [provenance of & background to this semi-autobiographical novel] to Post Oaks & Sand Roughs (by REH; Donald M. Grant, Hampton Falls, N.H., 1990), pp. 5-7 w/index & appendix; reprinted in German in Fantasia #93: Rauher Sand und wilde Eichen (ed. Franz Schröpf; Erster Deutscher Fantasy Club, Passau, West Germany, spring, 1995), pp. 8-9 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [origin of Solomon Kane, provenance of the stories & poems therein, & Kane’s chronology] to Red Shadows (Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1968; reprinted 1978), pp. 9-11 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [background on REH’s letters & correspondents] to Robert E. Howard: Selected Letters 1923-1930 (ed. Glenn Lord w/Rusty Burke & S. T. Joshi; Necronomicon Press, West Warwick, R.I., 1989), pp. v-vi |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [provenance of the poems therein, mainly REH’s letters] to Shadows of Dreams (by REH; Donald M. Grant, Hampton Falls, N.H., 1989), pp. 8-11 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [REH’s interest in &writing of poetry] to Singers in the Shadows (Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1970), pp. 7-9; reprinted by Science Fiction Graphics, New York, 1977, pp. 9-12 |
Lord, Glenn | “Introduction to The Howard Reader” [on Cormac Fitzgeoffrey] in The Howard Review #8 (Dennis McHaney, Memphis, summer, 1988), p. 30 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [background on the stories, poems, & letter therein] in The Second Book of Robert E. Howard (ed. Glenn Lord; Zebra Books, New York, 1976), pp. 10-11 w/prefatory notes on “Sword Woman” (pp. 21-22), “The Striking of the Gong” (pp. 85-86), “The Good Knight” (pp. 97-98), “Black Canaan” (pp. 135-136), “Kelly the Conjure-Man” (pp. 195-196), “The Footfalls within” (pp. 204-205), “Knife-River Prodigal” (pp. 231-232), “The House of Suspicion” (pp. 260-261), “Two against Tyre” (pp. 302-303), “For the Love of Barbara Allen” (pp. 328-329), & “Guns of Khartum” (pp. 341-342); reprinted by Berkley Publishing Corp. (New York, 1980), pp. ix-x &, respectively, pp. 7-8, 49-50, 57, 81-82, 121, 127, 143-144, 165, 195, 213, & 223 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [in Italian] to Solomon Kane (Fanucci, Rome, 1979), pp. ?-? |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [publ. history of REH poetry] to Winds of Time (Thomas Kovacs, Zurich, 2007), p. 9 |
Lord, Glenn | Introduction [on the obscure stories therein] to Writer of the Dark (ed. Thomas Kovacs; Dark Carneval Press, Zurich, 1986), pp. iv & v; reprinted 2002 |
Lord, Glenn | “The Junto: Being a Brief Look at the Amateur Press Association Robert E. Howard Partook in As a Youth” [its members, brief history, & fate of its publ.] in an unknown fanzine; reprinted in Two-Gun Bob: A Centennial Study of Robert E. Howard (ed. Benjamin Szumskyj; Hippocampus Press, New York, 2006), pp. 22-24; reprinted in French as “The Junto” in Échos de Cimmérie: Hommage à Robert Ervin Howard (1906-1936) (ed. Fabrice Tortey; Les Éditions de l’Oeil du Sphinx, Paris, 2009), pp. 99-102 w/photo & list of REH’s contributions from Lord’s The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (Grant, 1976; reprinted by Berkley Windhover (New York, 1977)), pp. 341-342; reprinted as “The Junto” in English in Jeffrey Shanks’s An Age Undreamed of #22, pp. 2-4 in REHupa Mailing #244 (Dec., 2013) |
Lord, Glenn | The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard [biographical & autobiographical essays, excerpts from REH’s letters, extensive bibliography of published & unpub. fiction & poetry, & photos] (Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1976), 416 pp. w/12 photos; reprinted by Berkley Windhover (New York, 1977): see Lord’s “Beachcombers’ Argument – Robert E. Howard and Truett Vinson,” “The Bibliography,” Foreword, “Howard As a Child,” “Inscription on copy sent to E. Hoffmann Price: ‘Schlitz …’,” “Inscription on copy sent to Lovecraft: ‘Ruins of Fort McKavett, July 9, 1933 …’,” “Lone Star Fictioneer,” “The Last Celt: Addenda to the Bibliography,” “Robert E. Howard/Dave Lee,” “Robert E. Howard Studio Portrait ̶ Alternate,” “Robert E. Howard – Truett Vinson – Tevis Clyde Smith,” & Ultima Thule #5 & #6 |
Lord, Glenn | “The Last Celt: Addenda to the Bibliography” [French & German translations of REH stories, verse, & letters in Lord’s The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (Grant, 1976)] in Ultima Thule #5, 6 pp. in The Hyperborian League Mailing #8 (July, 1977); reprinted in Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule (Joe & Mona Marek, Omaha, 2000), pp. 33-38 & in latter’s reprint by Rob Roehm (, 2007) |
Lord, Glenn | “Le opera perdute di Robert Howard” [“The Lost Works of Robert Howard”; in Italian; translation of ?] in La saga di Robert Howard: Yorick Fantasy Magazine Speciale #30bis/Taccuino #8 (Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2001), pp. ?-? |
Lord, Glenn | “L’eredità di Robert Howard” [“The Legacy of Robert Howard”; in Italian] in Il signore della torre nera: Yorick Fantasy Magazine Speciale #14bis/Taccuino #3 (ed. Massimo Tassi; Reggio Emilia, Italy, 1996), pp. ?-? |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [on Howard’s interest in women] in Amra, Vol. 2, #10 (George H. Scithers, Stanford, Cal., Apr., 1960), p. 15 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [on Earl Baker of Cross Plains, Tex., & a copy of A Gent from Bear Creek (Jenkins, 1937)] in The Cimmerian, Vol. 1, #4 (Leo Grin, Downey, Cal., Oct., 2004), p. 32 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [on his search for an issue of The Junto prob. containing some REH poems] in The Cimmerian, Vol. 1, #5 (Leo Grin, Downey, Cal., Dec., 2004), p. 31 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [a possible cheap 2nd ed. of A Gent from Bear Creek (Jenkins, 1937) & REH’s The Junto poems] in The Cimmerian, Vol. 2, #3 (Leo Grin, Downey, Cal., June, 2005), p. 36 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [on Conan books in Russian] in The Cimmerian, Vol. 3, #1 (Leo Grin, Playa de Rey, Cal., Jan., 2006), p. 32 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [reveals Novalyne Price Ellis orig. wrote much more about herself in One Who Walked Alone: Robert E. Howard, The Final Years (Grant, 1986)] in The Cimmerian, Vol. 5, #6 (Leo Grin, Playa del Rey, Cal., Dec., 2008), p. 36 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [praises Conan the Barbarian #1 comic] in Conan the Barbarian #2, Vol. 1, #2 (Marvel Comics Group, New York, Dec., 1970), unnum. p. |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [on Robert H. Barlow, his homosexuality, & letters to REH, & on August Derleth] in Crypt of Cthulhu #63, Vol. 8, #4 (ed. Robert M. Price; Cryptic Publ., Upper Montclair, N.J., Eastertide/Apr., 1989), p. 38 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [17 of them to McHaney, dated 1974-75] in The Howard Review #9 (Dennis McHaney, Memphis, winter, 1990/91), pp. 4-30 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [says he’s looking for REH books from southeastern Europe & that Conan Properties, Inc.’s lawsuit vs. him & Kirby McCauley was dropped 1 Mar., 1996] in Locus #433, Vol. 38, #2 (ed. Charles N. Brown; Locus Publ., Oakland, Feb., 1997), p. 71 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [correcting editor Robert A. W. Lowndes, who said REH was never humorous in his fiction] in Magazine of Horror #12, Vol. 2, #6 (Health Knowledge, Inc., New York, winter, 1965/66), p. 122 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [reveals he just found 6 boxes of REH’s papers, incl. “Valley of the Lost” typescript, & corrects Robert A. W. Lowndes’s preface to the story in MoH #13 as to its lineage] in Magazine of Horror #14, Vol. 3, #2 (Health Knowledge, Inc., New York, winter, 1966/67), pp. 122 & 124 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [on “Nyctalops”; how the REH-Lovecraft correspondence started; REH’s contributions to the Cthulhu Mythos; “Dig Me No Grave”; “The Fire of Asshurbanipal”; “The House in the Oaks”; foreign language appearances of HPL; & The Howard Collector #15] in Nyctalops, Vol. 1, #6 (Harry O. Morris, Jr., Silver Scarab Press, Albuquerque, Oct., 1972), p. 48 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [corrects Robert Weinberg in RtW #7, saying REH committed suicide before, not after, his mother died & his death took place in town, not out in the desert] in Return to Wonder #8, Vol. 2, #2 (Stephen T. Riley, Framingham, Mass., Jan.-Mar., 1970), pp. 43-44 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [on the aftermath of the Lancer bankruptcy, incl. Camp’s lawsuit & his & Carter’s Conan of Aquilonia (Ace, 1977)] in The Science Fiction Collector #14 (ed. J. Grant Thiessen; Pandora’s Books, Neche, N.D., 30 May, 1981), p. 48 |
Lord, Glenn | Letter [publ. history of “The Frost Giant’s Daughter”/”Gods of the North”] in Star-Studded Comics #15 (Texas Trio, Carrollton, Tex., May, 1969), p. ? |
Lord, Glenn | Letter to Oscar J. Friend, dated 13 June, 1957 [REH’s book collection, poem “The Tempter,” & 2 photos; Dr. Kuykendall’s admin. of REH’s estate; E. Hoffmann Price’s acquisition of The Trunk; & a de Camp misstatement] posted at |
Lord, Glenn | “Lone Star Fictioneer” [overview of REH’s life & publishing career] in Savage Tales, Vol. 1, #2 (Marvel Comics Group, New York, Oct., 1973), pp. 29-33 w/photo of REH; expanded in his The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1976; reprinted by Berkley Windhover (New York, 1977)), pp. 71-79; condensed in Spanish in Lhork #11 (ed. Eugenio Fraile La Ossa & Francisco Javier Hernández Pérez; El Círculo de Lhork, Madrid, 1995), p. 80 |
Lord, Glenn | “The Mystery Titles of Robert E. Howard” in Wayfarer II (undated), pp. 13-16; reprinted in Italian in Yorick Fantasy Magazine #3 (ed. Massimo Tassi; Reggio Emilia, Italy, date?), pp. ?-? |
Lord, Glenn | “Notes about Faring Town” in ?; reprinted in Italian as “Le inquietanti storie de Faring” intro. to Orrore a Faring Town (Il Cerchio Iniziative, Rimini, Italy, 1999), pp. ?-? |
Lord, Glenn | “Notes to ‘Who is Grandpa Theobold?’” [by REH; on the circumstances of his writing the poem] in HPL: A Tribute to Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) (Meade Frierson & Penny Freierson, Birmingham, Ala., 1972), p. 134 |
Lord, Glenn | “On a Bibliography and Some Pennames” [REH’s pseudonyms & a request for REH’s pubbed appearances] in Amra, Vol. 2, #1 (George H. Scithers, Stanford, Cal., Jan., 1959; reprinted 1974), p. 17 |
Lord, Glenn | “On the True Circumstances of Howard’s Death” [letter; death took place in town, not out in some desert] in Amra, Vol. 2, #2 (George H. Scithers, Stanford, Cal., 1959; reprinted 1974), p. 10 |
Lord, Glenn | Preface [origin & history of THC] to The Howard Collector (ed. Glenn Lord; Ace Books, New York, 1979), pp. xiii-xv |
Lord, Glenn | “REH, HPL, and the Cthulhu Mythos” [of Lovecraft] in REH: Two-Gun Raconteur #7 (ed. Damon C. Sasser; The Black Coast Press, Channelview, Tex., spring, 2005), pp. 8-9 |
Lord, Glenn | “Robert E. Howard ‒ A Gent Who Wrote with a Sword” in ERBdom #19, Vol. 1, #19 (Camille E. Cazedessus, Jr., Clinton, La., 1966) |
Lord, Glenn | “Robert E. Howard: Creator of Breckenridge [sic] Elkins” [survey of REH’s career prefacing a series of Elkins story reprints] in the Summit County Journal (Breckenridge, Colo., newspaper), 2 June, 1967, p. ? w/photo of REH; reprinted in Ed Blohm’s “Robert E. Howard in the Summit County Journal” (q.v.), but transcription on p. 24 has “Beginning at the age of 15 …” for “Beginning to write at the age of 15 …” |
Lord, Glenn | “Robert E. Howard is John Taveral” [sic for Taverel; intro. to REH’s “The Apparition in the Prize Ring”] in Ghost Stories (ed. C. E. Cazedessus, Jr.; Opar Press, Evergreen, Colo., May, 1973), p. 24; reprinted in Graeme Flanagan’s Boys’ Own Fantasy Annual – 1982, p. 13 in REHupa Mailing #60 (Nov., 1982) |
Lord, Glenn | “Robert E. Howard: Professional Writer” [survey of his career, publishing venues, & work habits; revision of Lord’s “The Writing Game”] in The Dark Barbarian: The Writings of Robert E. Howard ̶ A Critical Anthology (ed. Don Herron; Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1984; reprinted by Wildside Press, Berkeley Heights, N.J., 2000), pp. 135-147 & in The Dark Barbarian That Towers over All: The Robert E. Howard LitCrit MegaPack (ed. Don Herron; The Cimmerian Press, Kindle e-book, 2014) |
Lord, Glenn | “Robert E. Howard’s Library” [his personal book collection] in The Hyperborian League Mailing #12 (July, 1978), 7 pp.; reprinted in Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule (Joe Marek & Mona Marek, Omaha, 2000), pp. 45-51 & in latter’s reprint by Rob Roehm (, 2007) |
Lord, Glenn | Ultima Thule #3 [Oscar J. Friend’s efforts to buy rights to Conan stories, & 8 REH rejection letters] in The Hyperborian League Mailing #4 (July, 1976), 4 pp.; reprinted in Bicentennial Tribute to Robert E. Howard (George T. Hamilton, Yorba Linda, Cal., 1976), pp. 28-29 (omitting rest, followed by 6 pp. from UT #2) & in Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule (Joe Marek & Mona Marek, Omaha, 2000), pp. 17-20 & in latter’s reprint by Rob Roehm (, 2007) |
Lord, Glenn | Ultima Thule #4 [dollar amounts REH received for his stories] in The Hyperborian League Mailing #5 (Oct., 1976), 5 pp.; reprinted in Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule (Joe Marek & Mona Marek, Omaha, 2000), pp. 21-25 & in latter’s reprint by Rob Roehm (, 2007) |
Lord, Glenn | Ultima Thule #5 [5 REH rejection letters & addenda to REH translations in Lord’s The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (Grant, 1976)] in The Hyperborian League Mailing #8 (July, 1977), 12 pp.; reprinted in Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule (Joe Marek & Mona Marek, Omaha, 2000), pp. 27-38 & in latter’s reprint by Rob Roehm (, 2007) |
Lord, Glenn | Ultima Thule #6 [1 REH rejection letter & addenda to REH translations in Lord’s The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (Grant, 1976)] in The Hyperborian League Mailing #10 (Jan., 1978), 6 pp.; reprinted in Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule (Joe Marek & Mona Marek, Omaha, 2000), pp. 39-44 & in latter’s reprint by Rob Roehm (, 2007) |
Lord, Glenn | “An Unborn First Edition” [REH’s correspondence on arranging never-printed Denis Archer editions of an anthology of his short stories & of The Hour of the Dragon] in Xenophile #18, Vol. 2, #6 (Nils Hardin, St. Louis, Oct., 1975), pp. 42-44; reprinted untitled in Ultima Thule #1 in The Hyperborian League Mailing #1 (Oct., 1975), 3 pp. & in Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule (Joe Marek & Mona Marek, Omaha, 2000), pp. 3-5 & in latter’s reprint by Rob Roehm (, 2007) |
Lord, Glenn | “The Unpublished Fiction of REH” [list of story titles & lengths] in Cross Plains #7, Vol. 1, #7 (George T. Hamilton, Yorba Linda, Cal., Sep., 1975), pp. 35-37; revised as “Unpublished Fiction” in The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (Donald M. Grant, West Kingston, R.I., 1976), pp. 281-297 |
Lord, Glenn | “Verse Index” [names & sources of 183 REH verses] in The Howard Collector #1, Vol. 1, #1 (Glenn Lord, Pasadena, Tex., summer, 1961), pp. 21-33; see addenda & errata in #2, pp. 35-36; reprinted in West is West & Others (by REH et al.; ed. Rob Roehm & Joe Marek [latter writing as Alex Runions],, 2006), pp. 183-192 |
Lord, Glenn | “A Vulture Comes up Snake Eyes” [documents L. Sprague de Camp’s attempt to secure Conan publishing rights & Ace’s stifling further Berkley Conan books] in The Cimmerian, Vol. 3, #2 (Leo Grin, Playa del Rey, Cal., Feb., 2006), pp. 24-26 |
Lord, Glenn | “The Writing Game” [history of REH’s jobs & sales of stories & poems to pulp markets] in REH: Lone Star Fictioneer, Vol. 1, #1 (ed. Byron L. Roark; Nemedian Chronicles, Kansas City, Kan., spring, 1975), pp. 9-12 w/photo of REH & David Lee; reprinted minus photo in The Chronicler of Cross Plains #1, Vol. 1, #1 (ed. Damon C. Sasser; The Black Coast Press, Houston, fall, 1978), pp. 15-17 & with a different photo in Damon C. Sasser’s The Shadow Kingdom #27, pp. 3-6 in REHupa Mailing #233 (Feb., 2012); posted here. Used to be at the REH: Two-Gun Raconteur blog.; reprinted in Italian in Il segno del serpente, Supplement to Yorick Fantasy Magazine #12/13 (ed. Massimo Davoli et al.; Reggio Emilia, Italy, 1992), pp. 95-97; revised as “Robert E. Howard: Professional Writer” (q.v.) |
Lord, Glenn | “Yesteryear” [says Alistair Durie has found a copy of A Gent from Bear Creek (Jenkins, 1937) in Birmingham, UK] in PEAPS (Apr., 2004), p. 1; posted on The Glenn Lord Collector page,, 4 June 2019 |
Lord, Glenn | Zarfhaana #1 (May, 1974) [summarizes REH’s correspondence with Lovecraft & the fate of their letters; reprints Isaac M. Howard’s letter to Lovecraft dated 30 Oct., 1936], 6 pp. in Eosteric Order of Dagon Mailing #6; partially reprinted in James Van Hise’s The Road to Velitrium #79, pp. 14-17 in REHupa Mailing #233 (Feb., 2012) |
Louinet, Patrice | “Influences” [his meetings & exchanges of REH-related info & materials with Glenn Lord] in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and The Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 16-18 w/2 photos |
Louinet, Patrice | “Remembering My Friend and Mentor, Glenn Lord” [1931-2011; tribute to the REH scholar] posted here. Used to be at the REH: Two-Gun Raconteur blog. |
Marek, Joe | Interview with Glenn Lord [bio sketch of that REH scholar; how he discovered REH & his trunkful of typescripts; how he came to publish Always Come Evening & The Howard Collector; & bibliographic esoterica] in Robert E. Howard: The Power of the Writing Mind (ed. Benjamin Szumskyj; Mythos Books, Poplar Bluff, Mo., 2003), pp. 67-70 |
McHaney, Dennis | “The Howard Collector” [history & contents of Glenn Lord’s REH fanzine & other contemporaneous REH publ.] in The Howard Review #14 (Dennis McHaney,, 2008), pp. 6-31 w/5 photos, 4 of REH; reprinted as “The History of The Howard Collector” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 62-102 w/4 photos, 3 of REH |
McHaney, Dennis | Introduction “The Godfather of Robert E. Howard Studies” to Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. ix-xiv w/photo |
McHaney, Dennis | “Uncle Glenn” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 12-15 w/4 photos; erratum: “James Reasoner” on p. 14 is Steve Trout |
McHaney, Dennis & Lord, Glenn | The Fiction of Robert E. Howard: A Pocket Checklist [bibliography of 1st appearances of stories, as well as unpub. ones] (Dennis McHaney & Tom Foster, Memphis, May, 1975; reprinted Oct., 1986), 24 pp. |
Miller, P. Schuyler; Lord, Glenn; & Metcalf, Norman | “The Chronicles of Conan” [bibliography of the Conan stories] in Amra, Vol. 2, #4 (George H. Scithers, Stanford, Cal., June, 1959), pp. 19-20 |
Reasoner, James | “The Great Moment” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 21-23 w/photo |
Roark, Byron L. & Fenner, Arnold M. "Arnie" | “The Sons of REH/Interview: Glenn Lord” [biographical sketch, history of Lord’s publishing of REH, & assessment of REH & L. Sprague de Camp] in REH: Lone Star Fictioneer, Vol. 1, #3 (ed. Byron L. Roark; Nemedian Chronicles, Shawnee Mission, Kan., fall, 1975), pp. 29-38 w/photo; pp. 36-39 reprinted in Edward A. Waterman’s Barbarian Keep #26, pp. 5-9 in REHupa Mailing #178 (Dec., 2002); see letters by Dirk Mosig, Wayne Warfield, & de Camp in REH: LSF #4, p. 62 |
Roehm, Rob | “Imagine” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 58-60 w/2 photos |
Roehm, Rob | “A Rambling Reminiscence” [tribute to the REH scholar Glenn Lord (1931-2011) posted here. Used to be at the REH: Two-Gun Raconteur blog. 6 Jan., 2012 w/photo |
Sasser, Damon C. | “Glenn Lord: The Flame of Howard Fandom” [tribute to the REH scholar] posted here. Used to be at the REH: Two-Gun Raconteur blog. 2 Jan., 2012 w/2 photos |
Sasser, Damon C. | “In Memoriam: Glenn Lord” [(1931-2011); obituary of, tributes to, & interview with that REH scholar] posted on REH: Two-Gun Raconteur Blog |
Sasser, Damon C. | “Reflecting on the World’s Number One Howard Fan” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney/, Austin, Tex., 2011), pp. 54-56 w/2 photos |
Thomas, Roy | “Glenn Lord and Conan” in Anniversary: A Tribute to Glenn Lord and the Howard Collector (Dennis McHaney,, 2011), pp. 8-11 w/2 photos |
Van Hise, James | “Glenn Lord Nov. 17, 1931-Dec. 31, 2011” [obituary & 11 letters from Lord to Van Hise, incl. history of Lord’s, de Camp’s, & Conan Properties’ infighting over Conan publ. rights] in his The Road to Velitrium #79, pp. 2-13 in REHupa Mailing #233 (Feb., 2012); reprinted in his Sword & Fantasy #11 (James Van Hise, Yucca Valley, Cal., Dec., 2013), pp. 40-52 [erratum in latter: Lord’s fanzine referred to as being included is not] |
Weidlich, Thomas | “Conan’s Reborn, and They All Want a Piece” [legal squabble in Conan Properties between Alla Ray Morris, Glenn Lord, L. Sprague de Camp, etc. over royalties] in The National Law Journal, Vol. 17, #34, p. A12 (24 Apr., 1995); reprinted in Rob Preston’s Servant of the Warsman #7, p. 12 in REHupa Mailing #135 (Oct., 1995) & in Carl Osman’s The Burkburnett Papers, pp. 27-30 in REHupa Mailing #166 (Dec., 2000) |