Search Results for: wolves of j

Wolves Beyond the Border

WOLVES BEYOND THE BORDER is one of the original Conan stories by Howard featuring. It’s only a fragment begun in the 1930s and was not finished or published in Howard’s lifetime. It is a peripheral story in the canon in that while it takes place in Conan’s “Hyborian Age” and during Conan’s lifetime, Conan does not actually appear, but is merely mentioned. The story was completed by L. Sprague de Camp and in this form first published in the collection Conan the Usurper (1967). It has since been published in its original form.

Genseric’s Fifth Born Son

This is a round-robin, 17-chapter story, based on the first chapter by REH. All but the REH portion was written in the 1970s. Originally scheduled to be published serially in several episodes in Fantasy Crossroads, only 12 of the 17 got published. The Necronomicon Press edition is the first complete publication of the story.

Written by Robert E. Howard, Karl Edward Wagner, Joseph Brennan; Richard L. Tierney; Michael Moorcock; Charles R. Saunders; Andrew J. Offutt; Manly Wade Wellman; Darrell Schweitzer; A. E. Van Vogt; Brian Lumley; Frank Belknap Long; Adrian Cole; Ramsey Campbell; H. Warner Munn; Marion Zimmer Bradley; Richard A. Lupoff