Search Results for: robert m. price

Patch – The One Who Walked with Robert E. Howard

Robert E. Howard was known for his affection for animals. At the time of his passing, 13 stray cats frequented his residence. However, one animal held a special place in his heart: his beloved dog, Patch. Patch served as a source of inspiration and fond memories for many of Robert’s stories later in life, and they were inseparable companions for over a dozen years. In an article by Ståle Gismervik, we learn more about Patch, and his bond with Robert. Read on to discover more about this extraordinary canine companion.

I Put a Spell on You: Robert E. Howard’s Conjure and Voodoo Stories

In his writing, Robert E. Howard made frequent use of subjects from history and folklore, especially — in keeping with his Southern heritage and Texas upbringing — that of both the American Southwest, and the Deep South. This includes elements from the African-American folk magic practices popularly known as conjure (or hoodoo) and voodoo, which turn up to create fear and atmosphere in various tales of horror and “weird mystery,” most famously in “Black Canaan” and “Pigeons from Hell.”

The Legend of El Borak

An article written by Rick Lai about the Legend of El Borak. Best known for his tales of heroic fantasy, Robert E. Howard (1906-36) also wrote contemporary tales of adventure for the pulps. Howard was influenced by Talbot Mundy, a major writer for Adventure in the 1920’s. Mundy’s heroes were American and British adventurers roving around India and the Middle East. Utilizing Mundy’s settings, Howard fashioned his own band of protagonists. Among Howard’s soldiers of fortune, the most famous is Francis Xavier Gordon.

The White Jade Ring

“The White Jade Ring” is an unfinished adventure (1400 words fragment) by Robert E. Howard, weaving a story of danger, antiquity, and intrigue. Set in the bustling streets of Canton, Steve Allison, a man both cunning and bold, acquires a ring of immense historical and monetary value, attracting the attention of dangerous individuals.

Kings of the Night

“Kings of the Night” by Robert E. Howard is a compelling story that intertwines elements of fantasy, historical fiction, and adventure. It unfolds in ancient Britain, where Bran Mak Morn, the king of the Picts, faces an imminent threat from a Roman legion marching towards his land. The story is notable for its blending of Howard’s created mythos with historical elements, creating a rich tapestry of ancient cultures and legendary figures.