Search Results for: iron shadows in the moo

Iron Shadows in the Moon

IRON SHADOWS IN THE MOON. First published in Weird Tales magazine in April 1934, but under the name SHADOWS IN THE MOONLIGHT.

This is one of the original short stories starring Conan. The story It’s set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan escaping to a remote island in the Vilayet Sea where he encounters the Red Brotherhood, a skulking creature, and mysterious iron statues.

The Devil in Iron

‘The Devil in Iron’ is one of the original stories by Robert E. Howard about Conan the Cimmerian, first published in Weird Tales in August 1934. Howard earned $115 for the publication of this story.

The plot concerns the resurrection of a mythical demon, the theft of a sacred dagger, and an unrelated trap that lures Conan to the island fortress roamed by the demon. The story borrowed elements from ‘Iron Shadows in the Moon’.

Shadows in the Moonlight

“Iron Shadows in the Moon” is one of the original short stories starring Conan. First published in Weird Tales magazine in April 1934, but then under the name “Shadows in the Moonlight”. Howard originally named his story “Iron Shadows in the Moon”. It’s set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan escaping to a remote island in the Vilayet Sea where he encounters the Red Brotherhood, a skulking creature, and mysterious iron statues.

Alternate title: IRON SHADOWS IN THE MOON.

The Scarlet Citadel

“The Scarlet Citadel” is one of the original short stories starring the Conan the Cimmerian. First published in the January 1933 issue of Weird Tales magazine. In the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age, a middle-aged Conan battles rival kingdoms. The wizard Tsotha-lanti ensnares King Conan, who escapes a dungeon with unexpected aid.

Queen of the Black Coast

“Queen of the Black Coast” is one of the original short stories about Conan the Cimmerian. First published in Weird Tales magazine in May 1934. Conan becomes a notorious pirate and plunders the coastal villages of Kush alongside Bêlit, a head-strong femme fatale.

The Phoenix on the Sword

“The Phoenix on the Sword” is one of the original short stories about Conan the Cimmerian was written by Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in December 1932. The tale, in which Howard created the character of Conan, was a rewrite of the unpublished Kull story “By This Axe I Rule!”, with long passages being identical.

Black Colossus

“Black Colossus” is one of the original short stories about Conan the Cimmerian. First published in Weird Tales magazine, June1935. It has since been published a numerous times in many languages. During the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age, Conan leads the army of Khoraja against an evil sorcerer named Natohk, “the Veiled One.”

This story formed part of the basis for the later Conan novel, The Hour of the Dragon.


Conan simply grew up in my mind a few years ago when I was stopping in a little border town on the lower Rio Grande. I did not create him by any conscious process. He simply stalked full grown out of oblivion and set me at work recording the saga of his adventures.

The Moon of Skulls

The story was sent to Jungle Stories, but they returned it on the 15th of August 1929. It was accepted by Weird Tales and published in two parts. Part 1, June 1930; Part 2, July 1930. Kane goes to Africa on the trail of an English girl named Marylin Taferal, kidnapped from her home and sold to Barbary pirates by her cousin. When he finds the hidden city of Negari, he encounters Nakari, “the vampire queen of Negari”.