“Talons in the Dark” unfolds a mysterious and chilling tale set against the backdrop of the secluded White Lake, where Joel Brill, a man of science, becomes entangled in a horrifying series of events following the brutal murder of his friend, Jim Reynolds. What starts as a perplexing murder investigation soon spirals into a deadly confrontation with a primal terror that transcends the boundaries of the known world.
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“The Black Stone” is a horror short story by American writer Robert E. Howard, first published in the November 1931 issue of Weird Tales. The story introduces the mad poet Justin Geoffrey and the fictitious Unaussprechlichen Kulten by Friedrich von Junzt. The story is part of the Cthulhu Mythos, follows the same pattern, and has the same features as much of H. P. Lovecraft’s classic work.
Part three of an article written by Rick Lai about the Legend of El Borak.
REH’s Detective and Crime Stories – an article written by Dierk Günther, Ph. D.
WORMS OF THE EARTH. It was originally published in the magazine Weird Tales in November 1932. The story features one of Howard’s recurring protagonists, Bran Mak Morn, a legendary king of the Picts.
The Vultures of Whapeton
THE VOICE OF EL-LIL is an adventure tale. An Englishman and an American venture into Somaliland where they discover a tribe of people who have not advanced/progressed with the rest of the world and have remained as they were about 3,000 years earlier.
First published in Oriental Stories Volume 1 Number 1, October/November 1930.
THE TOWER OF THE ELEPHANT is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written by American author Robert E. Howard. Set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age, it concerns Conan infiltrating a perilous tower to steal a fabled gem from an evil sorcerer named Yara. Its unique insights into the Hyborian world and atypical science fiction elements have led the story to be considered a classic of Conan lore and is often cited by Howard scholars as one of his best tales.
Texas John Alden. Originally a Buckner J. Grimes story titled “Ring-Tailed Tornado”. Published under the name of Patrick Ervin.
Rewritten by someone at the Kline agency into a Breckinridge Elkins story.
Skull-Face is a fantasy novella by Howard, which appeared as a serial in Weird Tales magazine, beginning in October 1929, and ending in December 1929. It was submitted in 1928 and Weird Tales accepted it for $300.