“The Sonora Kid—Cowhand,” a story by Robert E. Howard, introduces us to the eponymous character, a young, confident, and skilled cowboy named Steve Allison. Set in a ranch environment, the story unfolds with a mix of humor, action, and the classic Western setting. It was never published during Howard’s lifetime.
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Part three of an article written by Rick Lai about the Legend of El Borak.
An article written by Rick Lai about the Legend of El Borak. Best known for his tales of heroic fantasy, Robert E. Howard (1906-36) also wrote contemporary tales of adventure for the pulps. Howard was influenced by Talbot Mundy, a major writer for Adventure in the 1920’s. Mundy’s heroes were American and British adventurers roving around India and the Middle East. Utilizing Mundy’s settings, Howard fashioned his own band of protagonists. Among Howard’s soldiers of fortune, the most famous is Francis Xavier Gordon.
Alternative title: SHANGHIED MITTS.
The Early Adventures of El Borak: Ultimate Edition brings together Robert E. Howard’s formative tales of Francis Xavier Gordon, known as El Borak, alongside a rich tapestry of other memorable characters. El Borak, Howard’s first creation, embodies the fierce independence and swift action that have made him a timeless hero. From the deserts of Arabia to the mountains of Afghanistan, his adventures are filled with danger, intrigue, and the relentless pursuit of justice.
The REH Foundation Press is proud to present The Early Adventures of El Borak. This volume contains those hard-to-find stories from the Cryptic publications of the 1980s, as well as several other related items, including the first publication of a synopsis for “Blood of the Gods.” The vast majority of the pieces in this collection are fragments and juvenilia.
The REH Foundation Press is proud to present Western Tales, a collection of Robert E. Howard’s traditional and weird western stories. The book checks in at 550 pages, and was printed in hardback with dust jacket, in a limited first-print quantity of 200 copies, each individually numbered. Cover art by Tom Gianni and introduction by James Reasoner.
Edited and editorial by Robert M. Price
Regional fiction, i.e., Westerns were one of Robert E. Howards favorite kinds of fiction to write. Many fans also think these are his best stories.