Search Results for: conquest

The People of the Black Circle

“The People of the Black Circle” is one of the original novellas about Conan the Cimmerian, written by American author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in three parts over the September, October and November 1934 issues. Howard earned $250 for the publication of this story.

It’s set in the Hyborian Age and concerns Conan kidnapping an exotic princess from Vendhya (prehistoric India) while foiling a nefarious plot of world conquest by the Black Seers of Yimsha. Due to its epic scope and atypical Hindustan flavor, the story is considered an undisputed classic of Conan lore and is often cited by Howard scholars as one of his best tales. It is also one of the few Howard stories where the reader is treated a deeper insight into magic and magicians beyond the stereotypical Hyborian depiction as demon conjurer-illusionist-priests.

The Valley of the Lost (1)

Glenn Lord had erroneously titled this story “The Valley of the Lost,” as he thought it was the story that had been announced for the last issue of STRANGE TALES that never got published; as it turns out, he was wrong, and when the proper story showed up, Glenn Lord titled it “The Secret of Lost Valley.”

Tigers of the Sea

Tigers of the Sea. This was only a fragment and the story was unpublished and unfinished during Howard’s lifetime. The story was first published by Grant in Tigers of the Sea in 1974 and Richard Tierney completed it based on Howard’s fragment.

This is one of a handful of short stories Howard wrote about yet another in his large clan of ferocious Irish warriors. Cormac Mac Art is an outlawed Gael, a pirate, and a Reiver. He is very similar to Turlogh O’Brien.

Swords of the Northern Sea

Swords of the Northern Sea. Unpublished during Howard’s lifetime. This is one of a handful of short stories Howard wrote about yet another in his large clan of ferocious Irish warriors. Cormac Mac Art is an outlawed Gael, a pirate, and a Reiver. He is very similar to Turlogh O’Brien.

The Sowers of the Thunder

“The Sowers of the Thunder” is a historical fiction short story by Howard, originally published in Oriental Stories, Winter 1932. It takes place in Outremer (the Crusader states) in the time of General Baibars and deals with the General’s friendly/adversarial relationship with Cahal Ruadh O’Donnell, an Irish Crusader with a troubled past cut in the Howardian mold. Both the Siege of Jerusalem (1244) and the Battle of La Forbie feature in the plot.

Red Blades of Black Cathay

Red Blades of Black Cathay was written as a collaboration between Robert E. Howard and Tevis Clyde Smith. It was first published in Oriental Stories in the February/March issue of 1931.

Murderer’s Grog

Murderer’s Grog. One of Howard’s spicy stories was published under the name Sam Walser. Alternative title: Outlaw Working. Featuring Wild Bill Clanton.