Search Results for: cairn on

The Cairn on the Headland

A short story with elements of fantasy and horror. As often in Howard’s stories, there is a link to the Cthulhu Mythos, in this case, mixed also with elements of both Norse Mythology and Catholic Christianity.

It has a rather convoluted history, being in effect an adaptation of Howard’s earlier story Spears of Clontarf, a historical adventure story by Howard focusing on the Battle of Clontarf (1014) and featuring Turlogh Dubh O’Brien or Black Turlogh, a fictional 11th Century Irishman created by Howard. Howard later rewrote “Spears” as “The Grey God Passes”, which was very similar to Spears of Clontarf, but with added fantasy elements. Howard failed to sell the story in either version during his lifetime.

People of the Dark (draft 1)

The story begins with the unnamed protagonist—a Gael—venturing into a dark, labyrinthine cavern driven by his love for a yellow-haired girl, Tamera, and a dangerous curiosity about the mysterious “Children of the Night.” The Britons had told tales of these inhuman creatures, warning of their grotesque attributes and malevolent tendencies. Armed with a blade, the Gael cautiously navigates the oppressive darkness.

Spears of Clontarf

Howard’s first version (as Spears of Clontarf) finally saw print in a chapbook in 1978, and his Grey God Passes version was also published posthumously in the anthology collection titled Dark Mind, Dark Heart in 1962.

People of the Dark

The story begins with John O’Brien, the narrator, entering a dark, eerie forest, with the intent to kill his rival, Richard Brent, over the love of Eleanor Bland. O’Brien falls and hits his head in Dagon’s Cave, leading to a vivid recollection of a past life as Conan, a Gaelic reaver.

The Grey God Passes

“The Grey God Passes” is a vivid tale set during a tumultuous period in Irish history, focusing on the Battle of Clontarf and the symbolic end of the Norse gods’ influence over the region.

The story begins with Conn, a thrall (slave), confronting a mysterious stranger who knows of Conn’s killing of his master, Wolfgar Snorri’s son. The stranger, later revealed to be Odin, the Grey God, hints at an impending war in Ireland and vanishes after predicting doom and the fall of gods.

The Fearsome Touch of Death

Old Adam Farrel lay dead in the house wherein he had lived alone for the last twenty years. A silent, churlish recluse, in his life he had known no friends, and only two men had watched his passing… little did they know the Fearsome Touch of Death had not left the house…

In this tale, first published in the February 1930 edition of Weird Tales Magazine, a man spends a night alone with a corpse.

The Dream Snake

In this story, first published in the February 1928 edition of Weird Tales Magazine, a terrified individual recounts the details of a strange, recurring nightmare. The Dream Snake is a terrifying tale of a man who has had a recurring dream about being pursued by a sinister, unseen giant snake that gets nearer and nearer to him every night….