UNTITLED DRAFT. Untitled draft (Three men squatted beside the . . .)
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The Black Stone. This etext was first published in Weird Tales May and June 1935. Taken from Project Gutenberg.
“Beyond the Black River” is one of the original short stories about Conan the Cimmerian. First published in Weird Tales magazine, May-June 1935. The story was republished in the collections King Conan (Gnome Press, 1953) and Conan the Warrior (Lancer Books, 1967). It has since been published a numerous times in many languages. It’s set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan’s battle against a savage tribe of Picts in the unsettled lands beyond the infamous Black River.
The most beautiful Conan books there is! The second volume was published in 2032, first in the United Kingdom by Wandering Star Books under the title Conan of Cimmeria: Volume One (1932–1933), and the following year in the United States by Ballantine/Del Rey under the title ‘The Bloody Crown of Conan’. The Science Fiction Book Club subsequently reprinted the complete set in hardcover; the set is noted for presenting the original, unedited versions of Howard’s Conan tales. This volume includes the only Conan novel and three short stories as well as miscellanea for Howard fans and enthusiasts and is illustrated by noted artist Gary Gianni.
The texts for this edition were based on Howard’s original typescripts or the first published appearance if a typescript was unavailable.