In an unnamed, damp, misty night in London, a startling encounter unfolds in this untitled and unfinished story by Robert E. Howard. A solitary man’s evening is disrupted when a terrified woman bursts into his room, fleeing an unimaginable horror. UNTITLED STORY (The night was damp, misty, the air possessing a certain . . .)
Search Results for: THE NIGHT WAS DAM
In the synopsis for “Sailor Costigan and the Turkish Menace,” Steve Costigan lands in the bustling city of Singapore and inadvertently gets entangled in a case of mistaken identity and crime. As Steve walks down a back street at night, he witnesses a robbery where a bulky man assaults another man and steals his briefcase. Steve chases the assailant but loses him in the maze of dark alleys.
A 5-part article about Robert E. Howard and the Spicy stories. Rescued from the late Two-Gun Raconteur blog created by Damon C. Sasser.
The car was described as dark green, with a glove compartment, rather than a door pocket. This is where he carried his gun. The ’31 Chevy was purchased second-hand after Lovecraft’s visit to New Orleans during the spring of 1932. Tyson has further provided that it was a Chevrolet Coach; a two-door.
The untitled synopsis for Robert E. Howard’s “Black Hound of Death” offers a glimpse into a dark and suspenseful narrative. Set in the secluded pine woods, this story weaves together elements of supernatural horror and human betrayal, centered around the enigmatic and determined figure of Kirby Garfield.
UNTITLED STORY (The night Sailor Steve Costigan fought Battling O’Rourke . . .). 700 words fragment
Appeared as THREE PERILS OF SAILOR COSTIGAN which consists of this story and two others:
UNTITLED STORY (“I had just hung by sparring partner, Battling O’Toole…”) and UNTITLED STORY (It was the end of the fourth round.).
WORMS OF THE EARTH. It was originally published in the magazine Weird Tales in November 1932. The story features one of Howard’s recurring protagonists, Bran Mak Morn, a legendary king of the Picts.
WINGS IN THE NIGHT. First published in Weird Tales in July 1932. Featuring Solomon Kane.
Kane comes across an entire village wiped out, and all of the roofs have been ripped off, as if by something attempting to get inside from above.
VIKINGS OF THE GLOVES. Published in FIGHT STORIES Fall 1940. Published under the name of Mark Adam. “Includin’ the Scandinavian” previously appeared in FIGHT STORIES V4N9, February 1932 as “Vikings of the Gloves”
The Valley of the Lost (2).
Alternate title: SECRET OF LOST VALLEY. The story begins with “As a wolf spies…”.