In “Waterfront Fists,” Steve Costigan finds himself in Honolulu, where Bill O’Brien, a fellow crew member of the Sea Girl, announces that Steve has been matched to fight a formidable opponent from the ship Ruffian that very night. First published in Fight Stories September 1930. Featuring Steve Costigan. It was published again in Fight Stories volume 6 number Summer 1940 but then under the name, Mark Adam, and the title STAND UP AND SLUG!
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Join Steve Costigan and Bill Stark in “Iron-Clad Fists” as they navigate a hilariously misguided attempt to leave their boxing careers behind, only to find themselves in even more absurd adventures. Howard used Patrick Ervin as a pseudonym. Alternative title: “A Knight of the Round Table”.
Fists of the Revolution.
Alternative title: SHANGHIED MITTS.
Alternative title: Iron-Jaw.
Featuring Steve Costigan. Alternative title: Slugger Bait. First published in Fight Stories December 1931.
Steve Harrison is the name of the detective that Howard is known for. Brock Rollins is a name that the editors of Strange Detective Stories came up with for volume 5 number 3 (1934) when two Harrison stories were published in the same issue. He operates mainly on River Street and often on the Chinese quarter.
Not your average detective, Steve Harrison is more likely to tear into a fight wth his fists than a gun. More often than not the stories also strays further afield from standard detective fare, adding weird menace and more adventure. Also, few private eyes could boast of a recurring enemy, never mind one as diabolical and evil as Erlik Khan, a descendent of Genghis Khan.
A Knight of the Round Table. Howard used Patrick Ervin as a pseudonym. Alternative title: IRON-CLAD FISTS.
First published for DIME SPORTS MAGAZINE in April 1936. Alternative title: Fists of the Desert.
First published in FIGHT STORIES May 1930. Published again in Winter 1938-1939 but under the name of Mark Adam and the title: “Cannibal Fists”.