One of Howard’s spicy stories was published with the name Sam Walser. “Desert Blood” is a vivid narrative, encapsulating the adventurous and tumultuous escapades of Wild Bill Clanton, an American in Tebessa, and his encounters with various individuals across the Barbary region. The story weaves through themes of love, betrayal, courage, and cultural clashes, reflecting the pulpy, exotic, and often politically incorrect ethos of its time.
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UNTITLED SYNOPSIS (Blood of the Gods).
The Trail of the Blood-Stained God. Cross Plains Library has an original draft of this story.
“The Mark of a Bloody Hand” was originally published in WRITER OF THE DARK by Dark Carneval Press. A tale of boxing, ghosts, and crime.
One of Howard’s spicy stories was published with the name Sam Walser. “Desert Blood” is a vivid narrative, encapsulating the adventurous and tumultuous escapades of Wild Bill Clanton, an American in Tebessa, and his encounters with various individuals across the Barbary region. The story weaves through themes of love, betrayal, courage, and cultural clashes, reflecting the pulpy, exotic, and often politically incorrect ethos of its time.
Originally a Kirby O’Donnell story titled ‘The Trail of the Blood-Stained God’. It was re-written by L. Sprague de Camp into a Conan story titled ‘The Bloodstained God’. De Camp changed the names of the characters, added the sorcery elements, and recast the setting into Howard’s Hyborian Age. The story was first published in the hardbound collection Tales of Conan (Gnome Press, 1955), and subsequently appeared in the paperback collection Conan of Cimmeria (Lancer Books, 1969), as part of which it has been translated into German, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, and Italian. The stories elements were used on the 1976 Peter Pan Records audio drama record: Conan the Barbarian, entitled The Jewel of the Ages.
“Blood of the Gods” is an El Borak short story by Robert E. Howard. It was originally published in the July 1935 issue of the pulp magazine Top-Notch. Text from Project Gutenberg.
“Blood of the Gods” is an El Borak short story by Robert E. Howard. It was originally published in the July 1935 issue of the pulp magazine Top-Notch. Text from Project Gutenberg.
“Blood of the Gods” is an El Borak short story by Robert E. Howard. It was originally published in the July 1935 issue of the pulp magazine Top-Notch. Text from Project Gutenberg.
“Blood of the Gods” is an El Borak short story by Robert E. Howard. It was originally published in the July 1935 issue of the pulp magazine Top-Notch. Text from Project Gutenberg.