The front and back cover art is from foreign Robert E. Howard paperback editions. Articles include part two a long analysis of the Robert E. Howard story “Tower Of The Elephant” (profusely illustrated) by Rick McCollum. An eight page folio of illustrations from Robert E. Howard stories printed in pulp magazines. An interview with Karl Edward Wagner from 1980. “H.P.L.: The History” by Lin Carter (from 1950). “An Appreciation of Clark Ashton Smith” by Lin Carter (from 1949). An article on A. Merritt from 1948 (with pulp art by Virgil Finlay and others). And more. Artwork by Rick McCollum, Eduardo Barreto, Mahlon Fawcett, and others.


  • ifc •  Sword & Fantasy #7 • interior artwork by Eduardo Barreto
  • ibc •  Sword & Fantasy #7 • interior artwork by Mahlon Fawcett
  • 1 •  Sword & Fantasy #7 • interior artwork by Rick McCollum (variant of Sword & Fantasy #2 2005)
  • 2 • Decades of Howard Fandom • essay by James Van Hise
  • 3 •  Sword & Fantasy #7 • interior artwork by William Stout
  • 4 • Tales from the Hyborian Age: Introducing the Group Called Nemesis • essay by James Van Hise
  • 4 •  Tales from the Hyborian Age: Introducing the Group Called Nemesis • interior artwork by Mahlon Fawcett
  • 14 • Up and In and Down and Out of the Tower of the Elephant: The Second Part • essay by Rick McCollum
  • 14 •  Up and in and Down and Out of the Tower of the Elephant: The Second Part • interior artwork by Rick McCollum
  • 32 • The Ship of Ishtar • (1948) • essay by G. Gordon Dewey
  • 32 •  The Ship of Ishtar • (1938) • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 36 •  Sword & Fantasy #7 • interior artwork by Jon Arfstrom
  • 37 • 7 Footnotes to Merritt • (1948) • essay by Thomas Carter
  • 37 •  7 Footnotes to Merritt • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 37 •  7 Footnotes to Merritt • interior artwork by Neil Austin [as by N. M. A.]
  • 38 •  7 Footnotes to Merritt (Lakla, Handmaiden to the Silent Ones) • interior artwork by Virgil Finlay (variant of The Conquest of the Moon Pool (Part 3 of 6) 1940)
  • 39 •  7 Footnotes to Merritt • (1948) • interior artwork by Ralph Rayburn Phillips
  • 40 •  7 Footnotes to Merritt [2] • (1948) • interior artwork by Ralph Rayburn Phillips
  • 41 •  7 Footnotes to Merritt (Creep, Shadow) • interior artwork by Virgil Finlay (variant of Creep, Shadow! (Complete Novel) [3] 1942)
  • 42 • Blasts from the Past • essay by James Van Hise
  • 42 •  Blasts from the Past • interior artwork by Tim Kirk
  • 42 •   Review: The Sowers of the Thunder by Robert E. Howard • (1973) • review by Richard E. Geis
  • 42 •   Review: A Witch Shall Be Born by Robert E. Howard • (1976) • review by Richard E. Geis
  • 43 • Review of “Dark Winds”, Summer 1982 by Vernon Clark • (1983) • essay by Richard E. Geis
  • 43 •   Review: Red Nails by Robert E. Howard • (1976) • review by Richard E. Geis
  • 43 •   Review: The Tower of the Elephant by Robert E. Howard • (1976) • review by Richard E. Geis
  • 43 •   Review: The Ghost Ocean by Robert E. Howard • (1983) • review by Richard E. Geis
  • 43 •   Review: Dark Valley Destiny: The Life of Robert E. Howard by L. Sprague de Camp • (1984) • review by Richard E. Geis
  • 44 •  Sword & Fantasy #7 • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 44 •   Review: The Fringe of the Unknown by L. Sprague de Camp • (1984) • review by Richard E. Geis
  • 44 •   Review: The Dark Barbarian: The Writings of Robert E. Howard by Don Herron • (1985) • review by Richard E. Geis
  • 45 • Pulp Ads from Asia Magazine • essay by uncredited
  • 46 •  Robert E. Howard in the Pulps (portfolio) • interior artwork by Joseph Doolin and uncredited
  • 54 • The Emperor of Dreams: An Appreciation of Clark Ashton Smith • (1949) • essay by Lin Carter
  • 54 •  The Emperor of Dreams: An Appreciation of Clark Ashton Smith • (1947) • interior artwork by Henry Ernst
  • 55 •  The Emperor of Dreams: An Appreciation of Clark Ashton Smith • (1941) • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 56 •  The Emperor of Dreams: An Appreciation of Clark Ashton Smith • (1932) • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 58 •  The Emperor of Dreams: An Appreciation of Clark Ashton Smith • interior artwork by C. C. Senf
  • 59 • Clark Ashton Smith Dies at 68 • (1961) • essay by Forrest J. Ackerman
  • 59 •  Clark Ashton Smith Dies at 68 • interior artwork by Allen Koszowski
  • 60 • Raising Kane: Interview with Karl Edward Wagner, M.D. • (1980) • interview of Karl Edward Wagner • interview by Gerald J. Brown
  • 68 • HPL: The History • (1950) • essay by Lin Carter
  • 68 •  HPL: The History • interior artwork by Lin Carter
  • 69 •  HPL: The History • (1926) • interior artwork by Ed Whitham
  • 69 •  HPL: The History • (1926) • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 69 •  HPL: The History • (1939) • interior artwork by Virgil Finlay
  • 71 •  HPL: The History • interior artwork by uncredited
  • 71 •  Sword & Fantasy #7 • interior artwork by Allen Koszowski
  • 72 •  Sword & Fantasy #7 [2] • interior artwork by Rick McCollum
  • 73 • Hyborian Times, #1 August 1967 (facsimile) • (1967) • essay by George R. Heap
  • 81 •  Sword & Fantasy #7 • interior artwork by Mahlon Fawcett
Publisher :James Van Hise
Year :July 2006
Format :Quarto (8.5″ x 11″ magazine)
Pages :92
Cover :Bruce Pennington
Illustrations :See above


Edited by James Van Hise

Side stapled single sheets. 
“A Robert E. Howard Pulp Portfolio” is given as “A Rogert E. Howard Pulp Portfolio”. All art is from interior illustrations in Weird Tales.
The Henry Kuttner obituary on p. 67 is from Science-Fiction Times V13n288.

Cover art by Bruce Pennington

Sword & Fantasy #7

The front and back cover art is from foreign Robert E. Howard paperback editions. Articles include part two a long analysis of the Robert E. Howard story “Tower Of The Elephant” (profusely illustrated) by Rick McCollum. An eight page folio of illustrations from Robert E. Howard stories printed in pulp magazines. An interview with Karl Edward Wagner from 1980. “H.P.L.: The History” by Lin Carter (from 1950). “An Appreciation of Clark Ashton Smith” by Lin Carter (from 1949). An article on A. Merritt from 1948 (with pulp art by Virgil Finlay and others). And more. Artwork by Rick McCollum, Eduardo Barreto, Mahlon Fawcett, and others.

Tags: Allen Kosowski / Bruce Pennington / C. C. Senf / Clark Ashton Smith / Ed Whitham / Eduardo Barreto / Forrest J. Ackerman / G. Gordon Dewey / George R. Heap / Gerald J. Brown / James Van Hise / Jon Arfstrom / Karl Edward Wagner / L. Sprague de Camp / Lin Carter / Mahlon L. Fawcett / Neil Austin / Ralph Rayburn Phillips / Richard E. Geis / Rick McCollum / Robert E. Howard / Thomas Carter / Tim Kirk / Virgil Finlay / William Stout