Black Eons” is a story based on an unfinished and untitled fragment by Robert E. Howard. The fragment was posthumously completed and named by Robert M. Price, a writer known for his contributions to the Cthulhu Mythos and pulp fiction genres. This collaboration blends Howard’s original vision with Price’s expertise in cosmic horror, a genre epitomized by H.P. Lovecraft.

In “Black Eons,” we delve into the adventures of James Allison, a recurring character in Howard’s works. The story begins with Allison and his fellow archaeologist, Brill, unearthing an ancient temple in the Egyptian desert. Allison believes this temple hails from the Hyborian Age. That night, Allison is transported through a dream to a time when he was a warrior, ravaging the city where the temple stood and slaying its high priest, a devotee of the deity Gol-goroth. The priest’s dying curse condemns the warrior’s soul to an endless cycle of reincarnation, awaiting the priest’s revenge.

Upon awakening, Allison realizes he is within the tomb and is the reincarnation of the warrior. The story reaches a climax when Brill, possessed by the spirit of the high priest, attacks Allison. In a desperate struggle, Allison manages to vanquish Brill, destroy the priest’s desiccated body, and finally claim the inner peace that has eluded his tormented soul for millennia.


  • 2 • The Sorceress of the Silvered Wood • poem by Michael R. Collings
  • 2 •  The Sorceress of the Silvered Wood • interior artwork by Mark Spangenberg
  • 3 • Black Eons • [James Allison] • novelette by Robert E. Howard and Robert M. Price
  • 5 •  Black Eons • interior artwork by Rick Hoberg
  • 8 •  Black Eons [2] • interior artwork by Rick Hoberg
  • 10 • The Seventh Dragon • short story by Sheila Finch [as by Sheila Finch-Rayner]
  • 11 •  The Seventh Dragon • interior artwork by Corey Wolfe
  • 13 •  The Seventh Dragon [2] • interior artwork by Corey Wolfe
  • 14 • M’butu’s God • novella by Tom Smith
  • 14 •  M’butu’s God • interior artwork by David Gray (Artist)
  • 16 •  M’butu’s God [2] • interior artwork by David Gray (Artist)
  • 19 •  M’butu’s God [3] • interior artwork by David Gray (Artist)
  • 21 •  M’butu’s God [4] • interior artwork by David Gray (Artist)
  • 23 •  Cartoon: “I’m the wife of the frog prince, and I want you to stop fooling around with my husband.” • interior artwork by Groginski
  • 24 • Thunder Pigeon • short story by Bruce Balfour [as by Bruce J. Balfour]
  • 24 •  Thunder Pigeon • interior artwork by Walt Davis
  • 25 •  Thunder Pigeon [2] • interior artwork by Walt Davis
  • 26 • Coming of Age in the City of the Goddess • novelette by Darrell Schweitzer
  • 26 •  Coming of Age in the City of the Goddess • interior artwork by James A. Mitchell
  • 29 •  Coming of Age in the City of the Goddess [2] • interior artwork by James A. Mitchell
  • 30 •  Coming of Age in the City of the Goddess [3] • interior artwork by James A. Mitchell
  • 31 • Fantasy Game Reviews (Fantasy Book, June 1985) • essay by Barry Wilson
  • 32 • Burning Brand • novelette by Jefferson P. Swycaffer
  • 32 •  Burning Brand • interior artwork by Rita Terrell
  • 34 •  Burning Brand [2] • interior artwork by Rita Terrell
  • 37 •  Burning Brand [3] • interior artwork by Rita Terrell
  • 39 • A Kind of Death, with Wings • poem by Ardath Mayhar
  • 39 •  A Kind of Death, with Wings • interior artwork by Kim Corey-Chun
  • 40 •  A Kind of Death, with Wings [2] • interior artwork by Kim Corey-Chun
  • 41 •  A Kind of Death, with Wings [3] • interior artwork by Kim Corey-Chun
  • 42 • Introduction (The Planet) • essay by Darrell Schweitzer
  • 42 • The Planet • (1853) • short story by Anonymous
  • 46 • A Story Whose Name is Forgot • short story by Mark Baker
  • 47 •  A Story Whose Name is Forgot • interior artwork by John Borkowski
  • 49 •  A Story Whose Name is Forgot [2] • interior artwork by John Borkowski
  • 50 • The Monk’s Tale • short story by Esther M. Friesner
  • 50 •  The Monk’s Tale • interior artwork by Yam Chu
  • 52 •  The Monk’s Tale [2] • interior artwork by Yam Chu
  • 53 • The Running Back from Yuggoth • novelette by William R. Trotter
  • 53 •  The Running Back from Yuggoth • interior artwork by Marc Schirmeister
  • 55 •  The Running Back from Yuggoth [2] • interior artwork by Marc Schirmeister
  • 57 •  The Running Back from Yuggoth [3] • interior artwork by Marc Schirmeister
  • 59 • The Death of Nimuë • short story by Esther M. Friesner
  • 61 • Introduction (The Black Dwarf) • essay by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
  • 61 • The Black Dwarf • (1918) • short story by Gerald Friedlander
  • 61 •  The Black Dwarf • interior artwork by Yam Chu
  • 63 •  The Black Dwarf [2] • interior artwork by Yam Chu


Whole No. 16, Volume 4, Number 2.
Cover illustrates “Burning Brand” which is titled “The Space Pirates” on the cover.
Covers are not included in the pagination.
Cartoon on p. 23 is not credited but is signed.
“The Planet” appeared in The Knickerbocker, a New York literary magazine.
“The Black Dwarf” was first published in the book Jewish Fairy Tales and Stories.
The superscript “TM” (for trademark) follows the title on the cover and as a subscript on the contents page.
Content page credits Dennis Mallonee (Publisher/Editor), Nick Smith (Editor/Art Director), Forrest J Ackerman, Jessica Salmonson, and Darrell Schweitzer (Contributing Editors)

Publisher:Fantasy Book Enterprises
Year :June 1985
Book No. :ISSN: 0277-0717
Edition :1st
Format :Magazine, Periodical (8.5 x 11, saddle stapled)
Pages :68
Cover :David Fietze
Illustrations :Rick HobergDavid Gray, James A. Mitchell, Rita Terrell, John Borkowski, Marc Schirmeister, Yam Chu, Corey Wolf, Walt Davis, Marjett Schille, Mark Spangenberg, and Kim Corey-Chun


Fantasy Book Volume 4 Number 2

“Black Eons” is a story based on an unfinished and untitled fragment by Robert E. Howard. The fragment was posthumously completed and named by Robert M. Price, a writer known for his contributions to the Cthulhu Mythos and pulp fiction genres. This collaboration blends Howard’s original vision with Price’s expertise in cosmic horror, a genre epitomized by H.P. Lovecraft.

Tags: Corey Wolf / Darrell Schweitzer / David Fietze / David Gray / Dennis Mallonée / Forrest J. Ackerman / James A. Mitchell / James Allison / Jessica Salmonson / John Borkowski / Marc Schirmeister / Marjett Schille / Mark Spangenberg / Rick Hoberg / Rita Terrell / Robert E. Howard / Robert M. Price / Walt Davis / Yam Chu