Witchcraft & Sorcery Volume 1 Number 5. Prior to this issue, it was published by Camelot Publishing Company as Coven 13. The company was bought by Fantasy Publishing Company and the name was changed to Witchcraft & Sorcery.

This issue contains MISTRESS OF DEATH and the poem “Musings”. Mistress of Death features Agnes de Chastillon. This is the only Dark Agnes story to include a fantasy element, in the form of a sorcerer. It is not written to the same standard as the two stories Howard completed, and features some departures from the established character, making her more stereotypically feminine. The story was not finished by Howard and he wrote two drafts. The story in this issue is based on the second unfinished draft and completed by Gerald W. Page.


  • ifc • The Great Pyramid of Giza • (1970) • poem by L. Sprague de Camp (variant of The Great Pyramid)
  • ifc •  The Great Pyramid of Giza • interior artwork by D. Bruce Berry
  • 2 • Welcome as lover come, O thunder • poem by Anthony Sandor
  • 2 •  Welcome as lover come, O thunder • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian
  • 3 • Editor’s Grimoire (Witchcraft & Sorcery #5) • essay by Gerald W. Page
  • 4 • The Dark Door • short story by Leo P. Kelley
  • 4 •  The Dark Door • interior artwork by Jerry Burge
  • 10 • Musings (“The little poets sing of little things …”) • (1968) • poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 11 • House of Evil • short story by Pauline C. Smith
  • 11 •  House of Evil • interior artwork by Steve Fritz
  • 14 •  Witchcraft & Sorcery #5 • interior artwork by Robert E. Jennings
  • 15 • The Momentary Ghost • novelette by Gerald W. Page [as by Carleton Grindle]
  • 15 •  The Momentary Ghost • interior artwork by Robert E. Jennings
  • 22 • Portrait of Things to Come • short story by Leon Zeldis
  • 22 •  Portrait of Things to Come • interior artwork by Jerry Burge
  • 24 • The Ideas • short story by Edith Ogutsch and Ross Rocklynne
  • 24 •  The Ideas • interior artwork by Robert E. Jennings
  • 27 • Four Letters to Clark Ashton Smith • essay by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 27 •  Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, February 16, 1932 • essay by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 27 •  Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, March 2, 1932 • essay by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 28 •  Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, April 4, 1932 • essay by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 28 •  Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, February 18, 1933 • essay by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 28 • Ghost Tour • essay by Andre Norton
  • 28 •  Ghost Tour • interior artwork by Robert E. Jennings
  • 32 • Mistress of Death • [Agnes de Chastillon] • short story by Robert E. Howard and Gerald W. Page
  • 32 •  Mistress of Death • interior artwork by Jeff Jones
  • 38 • Wind Magic • short story by Edmund Shirlan
  • 38 •  Wind Magic • interior artwork by Steve Fritz
  • 43 • The Forgotten • poem by Lin Carter
  • 43 •  The Forgotten • interior artwork by Stephen Fabian
  • 44 • The Hate • short story by Terri E. Pinckard [as by Terri Pinckard]
  • 44 •  The Hate • interior artwork by Jerry Burge
  • 48 • The Rat and the Snake • short story by A. E. van Vogt
  • 48 • Jade Pagoda (Witchcraft & Sorcery #5) • essay by E. Hoffmann Price
  • 48 •  Jade Pagoda (Witchcraft & Sorcery #5) • interior artwork by Tseng Ta Yu
  • 48 •  The Rat and the Snake • interior artwork by Robert E. Jennings
  • 50 •  Department of Pointed Tales (Witchcraft & Sorcery #5) • interior artwork by Tim Kirk
  • 50 • Bruce • short story by Saliitha Grey
  • 50 • Embarkation of Evil • short story by C. S. Cobun, Jr.
  • 51 • Smoke • short story by Gerald W. Page [as by Leo Tifton]
  • 52 • Tower of Blood • novelette by David A. English
  • 52 •  Tower of Blood • interior artwork by Steve Fritz
  • 61 • Were-Creature • short story by Kenneth Pembrooke
  • 61 •  Were-Creature • interior artwork by Steve Fritz
  • 63 • Reader’s Eyrie • essay by Gerald W. Page
  • 63 •  Letter (Witchcraft & Sorcery #5) • essay by James Benton Carr


Formerly “Coven 13”, purchased from founders.
Volume 1, number 5.
Saddle stapled, wraps.
Page numbers do not include covers.
Cover illustration for “The Momentary Ghost”
“Jade Pagoda” contains Price’s reminisces about Ralph Milne Farley.
Credit for calligraphy for “Jade Pagoda” given in a letter from E. Hoffmann Price in issue #6.

Editor: Gerald W. Page
Art Director: Jerry Burge
Publisher: William L. Crawford
“Mistress of Death” is illustrated by Jeff Jones

Publisher :Fantasy Publishing Company
Year :February 1971
Replica by: 
Format :Magazine
Pages :64
Cover :Burge
Illustrations :D. Bruce Berry, Burge, Stephen Fabian, Steve Fritz, Robert E. Jennings, Jeff Jones, and Tim Kirk.

Witchcraft & Sorcery Volume 1 Number 5

Witchcraft & Sorcery Volume 1 Number 5. Prior to this issue, it was published by Camelot Publishing Company as Coven 13. The company was bought by Fantasy Publishing Company and the name was changed to Witchcraft & Sorcery.

This issue contains MISTRESS OF DEATH. Featuring Agnes de Chastillon. This is the only Dark Agnes story to include a fantasy element, in the form of a sorcerer. It is not written to the same standard as the two stories Howard completed, and features some departures from the established character, making her more stereotypically feminine. The story was not finished by Howard and he wrote two drafts. The story in this issue is based on the second unfinished draft and completed by Gerald W. Page.

Tags: Clark Ashton Smith / E. Hoffmann Price / Gerald W. Page / H. P. Lovecraft / Jeffrey Jones / Robert E. Howard / Stephen E. Fabian / Tim Kirk