Fantasy Magazine #1 from March 1953. Contains the very first release of THE BLACK STRANGER. L Sprague de Camp rewrote the original Conan story into a different Conan story (“The Treasure of Tranicos”). For publication in Fantasy Magazine #1, the story was abridged, edited by L Sprague de Camp, and re-written further by Lester del Rey. 


  • 2 • An Editorial on Things That Go Foomp • essay by Lester del Rey
  • 4 • The Black Stranger • [Conan] • novella by L. Sprague de Camp and Robert E. Howard (variant of The Treasure of Tranicos)
  • 4 •  The Black Stranger • interior artwork by Paul Orban [as by Orban]
  • 72 • Book Reviews (Fantasy Magazine, March 1953) • essay by uncredited
  • 72 •   Review: The Sword of Conan by Robert E. Howard • review by uncredited
  • 72 •   Review: Conan the Conqueror by Robert E. Howard • review by uncredited
  • 73 • Too Gloomy for Private Pushkin • short story by Richard Deming
  • 74 •  Too Gloomy for Private Pushkin • interior artwork by Frank Kelly Freas [as by Freas]
  • 82 •  The Demons • interior artwork by Alex Ebel [as by Ebel]
  • 82 • The Demons • short story by Robert Sheckley
  • 93 • Ashtaru the Terrible • novelette by Poul Anderson
  • 95 •  Ashtaru the Terrible • interior artwork by Ed Emshwiller [as by Emsh]
  • 112 • Feeding Time • short story by Robert Sheckley [as by Finn O’Donnevan]
  • 112 •  Feeding Time • interior artwork by Berwin
  • 117 • The Night Shift • short story by Frank M. Robinson [as by Frank Robinson]
  • 119 •  The Night Shift • interior artwork by H. R. Smith [as by Smith]
  • 126 • Dragon Fires • novelette by Steve Frazee
  • 126 •  Dragon Fires • interior artwork by H. R. Smith [as by Smith]


Vol 1, No 1. March on the spine but February on the table of contents. Edited by Lester Del Rey
Dated February in the Table of Contents
“The Black Stranger” is edited by L. Sprague de Camp.
The story was re-written further by Lester del Rey
Fantasy Magazine was retitled Fantasy Fiction from the second issue on. There were 4 issues total.

Publisher :Future Publications Inc.
Year :March 1953
Book. No.: 
Format :Periodical (Digest)
Pages :164
Cover :Hannes Bok
Illustrations :Paul Orban, Kelly Freas, Ebel, Emsh, M. Berwin, H. R. Smith

Fantasy Magazine #1

Fantasy Magazine #1 from March 1953. Contains the very first release of THE BLACK STRANGER. L Sprague de Camp rewrote the original Conan story into a different Conan story (“The Treasure of Tranicos”). For publication in Fantasy Magazine #1, the story was abridged, edited by L Sprague de Camp, and re-written further by Lester del Rey. 

Tags: Conan / Frank Kelly Freas / L. Sprague de Camp / Lester del Rey / Robert E. Howard